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Streak time on my profile is wrong...

HoneyDinkley May 8th, 2017

Why is it showing I've only got a two day streak when I've been using the site and the app for five days straight?

KravenFire May 9th, 2017


Streak time relative to the growth path? Or just activity on the forum in general?

I honestly don't know myself, but I thought it was the latter.

HoneyDinkley OP May 13th, 2017

@KravenFire overall activity.

KravenFire May 16th, 2017


So I figured out that it is streat time relative to your growth path. You have to take a step each day to continue the streak.

I got up to three days before I ended up breaking a streak.

HoneyDinkley OP May 17th, 2017

@KravenFire ok thank you.