How to cancel a chat request?
Hello, there have been a few unfortunate times where I've accidentally clicked on the "Chat Now" or "Connect Now" buttons or changed my mind during the processing. I was wondering if there was any way to cancel such requests after they've been sent out? I haven't seen any way to do so before the estimated wait time is up, and would like to avoid causing awkward moments in the future 😅
I don't think you can cancel a request once it is made, but it is absolutely ok to let the listener know that you clicked on "chat now" but are not ready to chat.
Just being honest and kind will easily do the trick. So to avoid an awkward moment you could say something like "thanks for being here for me, but I'm not ready to chat. Thanks for taking the request though 😊. Have a good day"
That way, the listener can also take another chat instead of waiting around ❤️