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Community Calendar use for proper results

User Profile: IcedCoffee211109
IcedCoffee211109 November 24th, 2021

How do you filter or define criteria effectively on the community calendar to be able to find a selection of results related to what you are searching for?????

For example:

If I search by adult, it pulls up and lists about 95% listener events/rooms/results.

If I search with no criteria, it lists also a ton of teen things and also listener things.

If I search by a particular community room, sometimes you can get no results. I am assuming this is because there may not be an event or room opening for the community you are searching for from the search criteria period.

How do you search for many things you want?

How do you, as a member, keep it from filling up with tons of listener events/meetings/rooms?

Also, disability will usually pull up under "adult" for a search and tons of listener results but pretty much nothing else.

Is there a way to NOT have listener results fill up the results???? I have tried using NOT listener, but the search engine or whatever is used still associates with the word listener and you get the same......

Please tell me the best ways to search using your community calendar so I may search for what I want, when I want.

Thank you

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 24th, 2021


As far as I can tell, there isn't a great way to search it. The tags need to be used more consistently and thought through as to how people would use it. Typically, if on a computer and I want to look for specific things, I use the monthly view so I can look through many events at a time. Some subcommunities have resources to help look for discussions too, such as 35+ and 50+ posting topic schedules well in advance as a list.

@LuLuRings @Asher

Not sure if this is something you oversee, but is it something you can help with?

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User Profile: IcedCoffee211109
IcedCoffee211109 OP November 25th, 2021


Thanks Affy! I appreciate you getting back with me on this. I understand about the tags you were mentioning, with their limitations. I guess I will do as you do and switch the range to a month and view what will come up within that time period on my laptop. Thanks, Affy.

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 25th, 2021

@IcedCoffee211109 I hope that lets you find the events you're interested in!

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November 26th, 2021

@IcedCoffee211109 @AffyAvo Thank you for the tag! Affy's 100% right that the tags need to be used more consistently. We've been pushing to use the tags more effectively with calendar entry submissions, and there is a tag "Member" that would allow you to narrow down your search to just entries labeled as "Member" events. However, it would require everyone to add that tag when submitting sessions. I'll bring this up with the Group Support team and communicate with some of our community leaders to see if we can get this worked on and improved. No perfect solution, but there's definitely a way we can try to remedy this to be better-organized for easier navigation.

We're also looking into ways to help make discussions for each subcom more visible and easier to access and know when they're happening, so if y'all (or anyone) have suggestions to improve this, please feel free to let me or any other GSMLs know! Feedback is always appreciated!

2 replies
User Profile: IcedCoffee211109
IcedCoffee211109 OP November 26th, 2021


Oh LuLu, thank you so much for trying to further help this ❤️. I appreciate your help and assistance with this, and your time involved with this! Many hugs LuLu 😍.

It would be so nice to just view things in advance and note them on our own personal calendar systems so we all could find, know, plan, and attend what we wanted to attend. So much more could be attended and not missed also.

I appreciate Alphy tagging you and you being so willing to help. Thanks LuLu

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 26th, 2021

@LuLuRings Thanks LuLu!

With the new dash, would be interesting if the personalized feed could do something like display calendar events for subscribed subcommunities.

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