what is one thing you have done in the past that you regret doing?
Believing my friend had cancer when in reality it was a lie.
I have many regrets, but not really that many that I have done, but what I hadn't done. Losing loved ones and not letting them know how much they meant to me, not being a better father or husband. Ya, those are the worst regrets of all.
I think not spending more time with my mom and going to walk with her (when i was in my game addiction stage aha) always felt embarrassed.. now i know how important connections are and she died of cancer a few years ago so I feel guilty for being such a bad son.
College - couldn't perform the way I wanted to. I started out strong then fell into depression in second year. Ended up with job I am not sure I am interested in or capable of doing. Internet addicted for instant gratification. I don't know how to get over it.
Letting her go 🤕
@HappierThanEver123 joining the student body in school just because i wanted to fit in and “have a place” among the others. ended up being really stressed out and being a burden to the team. it’s been two years but it still affects me now
@HappierThanEver123 trusting every single person i talked to. geting hurt nd eventually becoming sympathy seeker