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Lupe's art corner

lupea867 December 15th, 2020

Hi Everyone!!! <3

*I'm kind of new here and I'm still discovering how these forum threads and posts work, but bear with me*

I love drawing as a coping mechanism, and I've met some people on here who are also very talented and creative!! They inspire me and I want to create something and share some inspiration!

The Challenge:

Post a drawing idea or suggestion for either me or anyone in the community! Also, share your artwork <3 <3 I love to see it and it can help motivate others to get to drawing. :)

I will do the first drawing suggestion: Draw a fancy kitten!

lupea867 OP December 22nd, 2020


Thank you!!! heartheartheart Outlining with pen probably helped it stand out :) I really enjoyed making it and felt good about myself. Thanks for asserting to me that I am indeed wonderful~ sometimes it's hard to believe so reminders are welcome. I will keep creating!

Dandelion2405 December 31st, 2020


I absolutely love this!! It's so dreamy and beautiful heart

JemmyX0X0 December 22nd, 2020

How about we draw horses?

lupea867 OP December 22nd, 2020


ahhhh that is so difficult!!! but *flexes arm with pencil* I can do it <3 <3 I've only successfully drawn a horse once before and it takes a lot of effort for me. They are pretty cool creatures.

lupea867 OP December 30th, 2020


Jennyyyyy I miss you <3 I couldn't draw a horse but I drew my unicorn plushie... with flowers.

raggedywolf December 31st, 2020


i love looking at everyone's art! so much talent.

so i drew (charcoal/pastels) this horse earlier in the month for one of my assignments. we had to choose a masterwork that spoke to us and rearing horse by leonardo da vinci caught my eye. i liked it also because of all the free movement in the line work. it really let me just destress and enjoy art for what it is and not a grade

December 31st, 2020


wow, this is so gorgeous! I think you captured Da Vinci's subtle touches of surrealism very accurately, and your shading defined the form beautifully. I am in awe of your talent, keep up the stunning work.

Dandelion2405 December 24th, 2020

To say that I love this thread is an understatement! heart I'll definitely be coming back to this when I get time and hopefully by then I'll know how to upload a picture on here indecision

lupea867 OP December 24th, 2020


Hey! Welcome, im glad you love it! Hope to see you around soon<3

LindseyLobotomy December 24th, 2020

Lupe, Hi, I'm Lindsey, welcome to the site. This is such a neat Idea. I always enjoy meeting other creative types and being inspired by their work. I checked out your fancy cat, i must say, very fancy in a top hat and cup of tea. Doesn't get much fancier than that. I would've drawn a cat, but i'm allergic and dont have much practice with cats lol hope you wont mind, but If you'd like I can offer a creative challenge open to anyone. *If you could draw your personality, what would it look like?* and lastly this is some of my work. Hope you like. See you around.

lupea867 OP December 24th, 2020


Woaaah. Thanks for joining the thread Lindsey <3 I'm glad you enjoy art as much as we do! Your art is crazy good! Im honestly impressed by the realism and detail in your art. Its so unique and beautiful. I wonder what made you want to create these pieces, and what your thought process was when creating them. Do you usually reference 3D materials? Lmk if you're comfortable sharing <3 love your suggestion as well, I'll probably get to it after the holiday hectics are over at my house. Thank you for showing us your wonderful artworks, hope to see more of it soon~

lupea867 OP December 24th, 2020


Oh, Also. Depth and lighting is something is struggle with (as you may see, most of my drawings are simple and cartoonish) do you have any tips to helps me out? Just wondering... Anyone can answer, but your drawings made me think about that.

December 31st, 2020


Depth and lighting are certainly difficult sometimes. I usually lightly mark the location of the drawing's light source on my paper, and make sure to consciously think of which features will cast shadows. The shadows fall on the opposite direction as the light, and their length and shape depends on the location of the light and the object casting them. This is difficult to explain through words, so perhaps I will sketch a quick guide later.

In reality, there are usually multiple light sources acting on an object. This composes the difference between "hard light" and "soft light". Hard light -- one singular, dominant light source -- casts sharp, dark and clear shadows. Soft light -- multiple sources and perhaps less intense lighting -- creates lighter and less defined shadows. There can still be a direction to the shadows if the lighting is soft, one must just observe the general trend.

As always, divide your drawings into individual, three-dimensional shapes, and think about how the light affects each individual shape. Sometimes I also collect several references and observe all of them to try and recognize important similarities.

hope these tips were helpful!

lupea867 OP January 1st, 2021


Thanks, Inky! I'm going to really have to practice these methods and I think that keeping the shape in mind when rendering light in a drawing is something very simple I hadn't thought about. I'm practicing drawing hands from photos because it's something I struggle with, I'll see if I can make them look more realistic by practicing these tips <3

January 2nd, 2021


Ah, hands are very difficult and delicate. I am glad to have been of use, best of luck.

LindseyLobotomy January 1st, 2021

@lupea867 Thank you so much for your kind words, you're far too kind. I honestly feel like my work is scribbles and messy doodles compared to other artist. I always start a piece with a certain mood that I'd like to tap into and one that i hope well envelope anyone that may come across it. For the demonic figuire, I remember wanting to create something that instantly would evoke a feeling of evil and as i started the piece the evil aspect was a bit much and thats when i added the sensual elements. As for the pair of hands, I remember wanting to sketch something that showed compasion, empathy, love, and over all this feeling of caring. I've worked as a nurse the last 15 years or so and one of the most common displays of affection I see is that of a loved one embracing their loved ones hands as they recover. Hope that answers your questions. : )

lupea867 OP January 1st, 2021


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings on your wonderful pieces <3 I can only wish to draw as good and render such feelings through art! I loved looking at these more through your perspective, it made them all the more amazing.

MAlwaysthere December 26th, 2020

@LindseyLobotomy that's beautiful!

December 31st, 2020


Hello Lindsey, it is a pleasure to meet you! Your art is absolutely stunning. I am amazed at how accurately you rendered the forms of your subjects, and how you used the lighting to give these pieces a distinct feeling and mood. You have a true gift, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with us.

LindseyLobotomy January 1st, 2021

@InkyOak12 im incredibly flattered, thank you for you kind words

BluberryJuly December 29th, 2020


I wish I had your skills! I just want to pet this kitten and I love this so much - thank you for sharing. <3 <3

lupea867 OP December 30th, 2020


ahhh thank you >w< <3

sallysalad1233 January 1st, 2021

@lupea867 ooh it would be so cute if you can draw a polar bear, especially because there are petitions to save polar bear's at risk

lupea867 OP January 1st, 2021


Yes sally, that's so sad. I think all living beings are beautiful and it's painful to see what we're doing to them :(( I'll make a sweet happy polar bear next chance I get <3

lupea867 OP February 16th, 2021

Hi hi hi! I am back! I have not successfully drawn an adorable polar bear, but I have drawn hands!

*whoooo* *applause*

hehehe... I wanted to make something unique that represented me by drawing myself holding dreams in the shape of spheres in my hands. But while my imagination reaches far, my talents do not. instead, I have drawn this, which was good practice nonetheless. I'll keep you guys updated if I draw anything cooler :D

Drawing challenge/suggestion: Share your OG characters or fanart!