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Why do some people leave others on ‘read’ for days. You know they see it but it just says read. If you’re one of those people please share why.

User Profile: KatKat1234
KatKat1234 October 14th, 2022

This not for judgment but more for an easing of minds knowing why.

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo October 14th, 2022

I've read something when I was unable to respond, couldn't respond coherently or needed to check into something. Then I forgot to get back to them.

User Profile: L1ly0ftheValley
L1ly0ftheValley October 14th, 2022

It depends really. In my case sometimes I am honestly just busy, so I don't want to respond if I know I don't have the time for a lengthy chat since I feel like that wouldn't be fair to the other person. Other times I don't know exactly how to respond in the moment so I need to time think about what to say, or I am socially burnt out and I need to recharge since I am actually an introvert.

User Profile: XxAzuraCafexX
XxAzuraCafexX October 14th, 2022

For me I legit forget. Most of the time I'm at work, see it and think ok I'll respond on my break. Then a coworker is here or the workload increases and it slips my mind completely.

Other times it's just a random link which I would suggest for everyone not to click - random links without context are not safe. There have been times when I'd ask did you get hacked or what is this and people would get upset with me asking so I just started to ignore those texts.

User Profile: ExistentialNihlist93
ExistentialNihlist93 October 14th, 2022

Honestly, sometimes I just don't have the mental or emotional capacity to hold a conversation when other people are ready to. And by the time I am, I feel like it's too late to respond so I just don't. And it really is nothing against the other person, I just get stuck in myself.

User Profile: BodhisattvaKuato
BodhisattvaKuato October 15th, 2022

They may see it as leaving you alone, not ignoring you. It isn't always personal, some people just have problems they have on their minds and they don't want it to bleed onto other people. So they leave you alone.

User Profile: KatKat1234
KatKat1234 OP October 15th, 2022

Wow. Thank you everyone for all your helpful responses. I hope this helps some people who might need it. Cheers!

User Profile: generousStrawberry38
generousStrawberry38 October 15th, 2022


Sometimes I like to take a little while to think of a good response to keep the conversation going, then I just end up forgetting. Woops!

User Profile: bestWater5969
bestWater5969 October 15th, 2022

@KatKat1234 some of us are depressed to reply to be honest

User Profile: SlickQueen
SlickQueen October 15th, 2022

They more than likely don’t have the time or energy to respond to you. If anyone wants to talk to you, they will make any effort to do so. You are just not top priority if it has been days. I’ve left people on read for days simply because maybe I’m busy and I’m too tired to respond, might forget, or I just don’t want to talk to them.. either way it means they aren’t top priority, but doesn’t mean I don’t care about them.