A nobody. I may seem brash but there are good intentions. I do not intend to hurt anyone in any way, no matter how it appears. Sometimes honesty and sincerity causes pain but that is of course no excuse for my lack of compassion. If what I say harms you I am sorry. Self control and discipline are important. No allowing emotions to control. If I do or say something contradictory it is for a reason and I intend on helping people.
I will say this... To control the mind you must develope another mind. Contradictory thoughts that combat the negative emotions. Avoid excitation and dread, prioritize stability over temporary satisfaction and there will be everlasting satisfaction. For there to be total security there has to be subtle levels of control within the self. For there to be this control there must be subtle levels of awareness.
By the way... I do have a sense of humor. I have emotions and feelings, I am not a robot. I just don't identify with the way I feel.