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What's a Random Fact About You?

hambagucat August 18th

Hey everyone! ✨

I thought it would be fun to share some quirky and surprising details about ourselves. So here's the question: What's a random fact about you that not many people know?

I'll start: I love, love, love eating pickle-flavored chips. Sounds kinda icky, I know, but you never know unless you try it! 😉

Looking forward to hearing your fun and random facts!

Cheers! ❤️

Ashen4 August 18th


I used to be unsure about pickle-flavored chips, but I had pickle-flavored kettle-cooked chips once and they were so good 🤤 So I totally get you on that front!

Fun fact about me is that I'm double-jointed in both my arms, so I can rotate my wrists 360˚ :0

hambagucat OP August 18th

I'm so glad we're on the same page with the pickle chips! 😄

And wow, I'm always kinda amazed at people who are double-jointed, seems like a cool party trick!

BlueDarkAurora August 18th

@Ashen4 That's impressive :D 

Tinywhisper11 August 19th

@Ashen4 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

BlueDarkAurora August 18th

@hambagucat Hello there :) Cool idea. Also I love the name and the profile pic <3 and It's great that you have something that you love 3x 

Random fact about me would be that I'm a very bad dancer 0_0 


hambagucat OP August 18th

Hi Aurora! Thank you so much, same goes for you! ❤️

Bad dancers unite! 😅 At least we bring entertainment to the dance floor, even if it's not in the way we planned!

BlueDarkAurora August 18th

@hambagucat aw<3 I used to think that too u-u before I saw what my dancing looked like.. Never again xD but I'm sure you bring in the joy and fun wherever you show your moves ^-^ 

Tinywhisper11 August 19th

@BlueDarkAurora aww I'm sure you got some cool moves


BlueDarkAurora August 19th

@Tinywhisper11 <3


akunknown August 19th


Despite the label for it existing, I do not believe there’s such a thing as a bad dancer. Dancing is just moving yourself physically to the sound of any music. If you don’t know any actual dance moves, that’s totally fine bc it just motivates you to create your own dance moves! Curious what you’d come up with if you put in serious effort to try :)

BlueDarkAurora August 20th

@akunknown I think I don't want to know or show the actual moves @_@ so maybe I am a shy dancer.

Silverman August 18th

Pickle-flavored chips are awesome haha. Here's something about me. I love writing. I write songs, poems, stories, etc., and it gives me a lot of satisfaction outside of my professional life. Would be cool to find other writers on here!

hambagucat OP August 18th

The pickle-flavored chip lover community is bigger than I thought! :)

I also love to write! Mostly in the forms of novels, children's stories, and poems as well! I also know that there's a pretty cool writing community on 7Cups—I love browsing the writing on there every now and then! ❤️

Tinywhisper11 August 19th

@Silverman we do have many talented poets on this site ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

akunknown August 19th


Congrats! You found one! Songs, poems, stories, and anything else that can be written is written by yours truly :)

passionatePrune8294 August 19th

I have half a heart and it’s backwards

hambagucat OP August 19th

Woah, that's pretty cool! I'd love to learn more about that. 😮

Tinywhisper11 August 19th

@passionatePrune8294 aww you have a special heart ❤


Tinywhisper11 August 19th

@hambagucat a random fact about me🤔🤔

I only came to planet earth 5 years ago 


hambagucat OP August 19th

Could you tell me more about your home planet? 👽🛸

Tinywhisper11 August 19th

@hambagucat 😂😂😂😂😂😂 it's called planet lolatron i got a pet unicorn there called mayo. Mayo neighs 😂😂😂

akunknown August 19th




I love pickle flavored chips too!

A fun fact about me is that I know a lot about pigeons! 🐦

hambagucat OP August 19th


Yay! Another pickle-flavored chip lover found!

Pigeons are so cute! I can tell you really like them by your username, haha. What's your favorite fun fact about pigeons?



I have so many I’m unsure! The most common one people like though is that they make their own milk for their babies. It’s called crop milk and comes out their mouth. Made in their crop.

Lonewolf360 August 19th

When I was a kid I remember some guys testing a robot in some old parking lot which my mom would occasionally visit from time to time and it used to just fascinate me

hambagucat OP August 19th

That's a pretty cool story! Even today, as I'm older, robots are reslly fascinating to look at. 😊

sadllama0120 August 19th

I have never tried pickled flavored chips but I like pickles so I’m definitely gonna give it a try.

Fun Fact about me is that I have no survival skills on lands.I can’t run, drive or bike.

hambagucat OP August 19th

I promise you won't regret the pickle flavored chips! 😉

And honestly, same here! But this also goes out to my skills in water... I can't swim very well 😅

Pau96 August 19th

@hambagucat hello 😸 my ramdom fact Is I'm the crazy  CAT lady 🥰😸 , they have helped me and they have saved my life. I'm an asocial person but I'm love the animals and to my father and boyfriend.💞

hambagucat OP August 19th

Well aren't we similar! (peep my username!) Cats are so so adorable! 😽

Hansini7079 August 19th

This is a great idea, @hambagucat. I am not a fan of pickles, actually. Anyway, a thing about me a lot of people don't know is that I hate school [everyone thinks I luv it cuz I top most of the time]

hambagucat OP August 19th

I totally get that! It's funny how people assume you love school just because you do well. Sometimes the pressure to keep up that image can make it even harder to enjoy.

And don't worry about the pickle thing—everyone has their own tastes! What do you enjoy doing outside of school? 🤗

Paperkevv August 19th

Pickle flavored chips is something I’ll have to give a try. I always love the energy here <3

a fun fact about me: as a kid I didn’t like reading classic books I liked poems, manga, and novels that used *imagination* but now it’s been all about non-fiction books for me !

what brand do you get for pickle flavored chips ?

hambagucat OP August 20th

The same thing happened to me! I don't know how, but I feel deep into love with reading at some random point. Our mind can work wonders :)

I usually get Lays or Buc-ees for pickle flavored chips!

NotAllHere713 August 20th


I don't like pickles, unless they are in a medianoche sandwich!

Fun fact about me- I love crab. When I was young, I had a competition with my older cousin on who could eat more crab at a buffet. 

hambagucat OP August 20th

I'll have to try a medianoche sandwich one day, sounds delicious!

That's a fun story! I've actually never had crab other than the imitation ones. 😔

HopefulOne81 August 20th

@hambagucat   Pickle chips are 🔥 I haven't had any in a minute😥

A random fact about myself is I love car audio! I'm not talking about your regular radio and some bass. Nope.

I have a competition bass ride (suv) that is LOUD. My boyfriend and I go to car meets, audio competitions, etc. It brings me a lot of happiness to say the least. 

hambagucat OP August 20th

That sounds awesome! I bet the sound system in your ride is incredible. It's so cool that you and your boyfriend share that passion and get to experience car meets and competitions together. 💕

What’s your favorite part about the whole car audio scene?

HopefulOne81 August 21st

@hambagucat The best part about this is watching the reaction's of those who experience a demo in my car. Especially the kids. It blows their minds and I just can't put a price on that happiness.