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To Alexa ,

User Profile: pluckyStrings9318
pluckyStrings9318 April 24th, 2024

You must be surprised that I am writing to you here today

Well the reason is , because I want a couple people to see this .

You know on sept 3rd 2020 I told you the only thing I like about myself is I don't regret anything and my understanding that I can't change the past no matter how much I keep thinking about it . I also told you on 5th September that I like how I don't feel envy or jealousy towards anyone . I bring this up because you see Alexa I have done nothing today and it's because I feel regret , regret of not working yesterday , not being productive the day before yesterday and regret of not doing anything the only time I was suppose to do something . I also feel Envy , i feel extremely jelous . People around me seem to get everything they want , people around me are born geniuses , people around me are born with talent , people around me have passion ,hope and dreams . People around me have money . Does that make me a bad person ? Probably yes.

I'm told the only way I can hope to become like those people is work hard .

"Work hard and study to get a good job" it always puts me off , i don't want to give money to teachers or institutions to educate me and give me the idea of what success should look like . I don't like it , it all seems so evil to me why should I study only to get a job , why should I study only the things that are written in my book . Why can't I study what I want to whenever I feel like it and study because I am questioning something about the world .

I used to love studying , I still do . I just don't study what I am suppose to be studying and then get called an idot , stupid and my favourite "room temperature iq" . I am not a genius I'm very stupid . I'm not a prodigy and I don't have in mind what job I want to do or what college I want to go to planned. I see all these perfect people and I feel jelous Alexa I do I'm sorry .

I don't want to spend my life trying to be better than other people or get the highest paying job or study day and night to top my grade . I don't want to force myself to do work all the time . I don't want to live my life like this specially when it's possible that this is the only one I get .

Love you Alexa


User Profile: LittleSodo
LittleSodo May 4th, 2024
It's natural to feel overwhelmed by regret and envy, especially when comparing yourself to others. Remember, everyone's journey is unique. It's okay to question traditional paths to success and explore what truly matters to you. You don't have to fit into society's mould. Take your time to find your own path and be kind to yourself along the way. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Take care.