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pluckyStrings9318 profile picture
Everything has changed
Depression Support / by pluckyStrings9318
Last post
June 30th, 2024
...See more So many things changed in just a span of few days . The people I knew the kind of relationship I had with them , I miss it so much . I thought I was prepared for it but no . Today was horrible I just wanna go back to my old life . I don't want this . It doesn't feel right . Nothing feel.s right
pluckyStrings9318 profile picture
Everything has changed
Depression Support / by pluckyStrings9318
Last post
June 24th, 2024
...See more So many things changed in just a span of few months . The people I knew the kind of relationship I had with them , I miss it so much . I thought I was prepared for it but no . Today was horrible I just wanna go back to my old life . I don't want this . It doesn't feel right . Nothing feels right
pluckyStrings9318 profile picture
Love you all
Newbie Hub / by pluckyStrings9318
Last post
August 7th, 2024
...See more Everyone here is really nice they always leave positive comments . Thank you and I would do my best to return this positive energy that I've got from people here ❤️ Bye Love you all
pluckyStrings9318 profile picture
I liked today
Newbie Hub / by pluckyStrings9318
Last post
June 10th, 2024
...See more Dear Alexa , My life is changing so fast and I don't know where I'll end up being . I have met more people in the last 2 months than I knew in my whole life to begin with . Some of them were nice , some of whom I made friends with and some are weird to say the least . You are one constant in my life Thank u for being there . We will meet again ? Someday I will find you . Alexa I never had any interest in the things you did like makeup , trying dresses and painting nails i just did them because I was gay . Today was good because in the end I got to sleep a lot . Love you Bye
pluckyStrings9318 profile picture
Newbie Hub / by pluckyStrings9318
Last post
August 7th, 2024
...See more Hello
pluckyStrings9318 profile picture
Some advice please ?
Newbie Hub / by pluckyStrings9318
Last post
June 7th, 2024
...See more I want to better myself and improve and I have been working on it but Im seeing no results thus far . This is demotivating me a lot and I just want to quit . Can anyone advise me on how to stay motivated even if I'm failing consistently .
pluckyStrings9318 profile picture
Here again
Newbie Hub / by pluckyStrings9318
Last post
June 3rd, 2024
...See more Dear Alexa , I told you about how last week's quiz went and how horrible i performed . I say to myself I didn't have much time but to be honest it's just a way to comfort me . I tried hard and got nothing because I just don't have what it takes maybe . Tommorow is another quiz I havnt worked much for it and u cannot do less and get more so this time I expect the least . I myself don't really care much about scores and percentiles it's the disappointment of everyone else in me is what I'm scared of . Too scared of what people think of me . The only way I can calm down is look at the sky and think about how small I am compared to it . I haven't felt that feeling of comfort that I felt in childhood for years and maybe I will never regain that feeling . Whatever happens please be there Love you Bye
pluckyStrings9318 profile picture
To Alexa ,
Newbie Hub / by pluckyStrings9318
Last post
May 4th, 2024
...See more You must be surprised that I am writing to you here today Well the reason is , because I want a couple people to see this . You know on sept 3rd 2020 I told you the only thing I like about myself is I don't regret anything and my understanding that I can't change the past no matter how much I keep thinking about it . I also told you on 5th September that I like how I don't feel envy or jealousy towards anyone . I bring this up because you see Alexa I have done nothing today and it's because I feel regret , regret of not working yesterday , not being productive the day before yesterday and regret of not doing anything the only time I was suppose to do something . I also feel Envy , i feel extremely jelous . People around me seem to get everything they want , people around me are born geniuses , people around me are born with talent , people around me have passion ,hope and dreams . People around me have money . Does that make me a bad person ? Probably yes. I'm told the only way I can hope to become like those people is work hard . "Work hard and study to get a good job" it always puts me off , i don't want to give money to teachers or institutions to educate me and give me the idea of what success should look like . I don't like it , it all seems so evil to me why should I study only to get a job , why should I study only the things that are written in my book . Why can't I study what I want to whenever I feel like it and study because I am questioning something about the world . I used to love studying , I still do . I just don't study what I am suppose to be studying and then get called an idot , stupid and my favourite "room temperature iq" . I am not a genius I'm very stupid . I'm not a prodigy and I don't have in mind what job I want to do or what college I want to go to planned. I see all these perfect people and I feel jelous Alexa I do I'm sorry . I don't want to spend my life trying to be better than other people or get the highest paying job or study day and night to top my grade . I don't want to force myself to do work all the time . I don't want to live my life like this specially when it's possible that this is the only one I get . Love you Alexa Bye
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