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Is it just me … or is 7 cups addictive?

amazingWillow7529 November 23rd, 2022

Well… good addictive..

Since I signed up as a listener, I can’t get enough of the positivity, the community support, the endless threads to contribute and learn from.

What are you enjoying about the app so far?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 23rd, 2022

Hey @amazingWillow7529, welcome to the community, I'm so glad you're having a great time here. But yes hehe, this place can feel too *at home* to ever get enough of, and it's something most people experience, so you're certainly not alone feeling like you'd want to be here and soak in some more positivity, or listen to just one more person or reply to just one more forum post and so on. ❤

Glad it's the good addictive kind so far, however yes, we can all agree upon how negatively impactful too much of anything can be, therefore setting boundaries personal and otherwise are super important. Our wellbeing and off cups life responsibilities first always.

You can also check out a great post here along with a growth path which talks about preventing 7 cups addiction, and some insightful shares by the community users, who have been/are in the same boat as us- Addiction sub community < (filter search) < "Preventing and Overcoming 7cups Addiction".

Ofcourse you don't have to do any of it alone, feel free to reach out to a mentor to discuss about anything listening, self care related.

(Text in blue is clickable)

I hope with the mix of self care, boundaries, effective prioritization and time management, seeking peer/mentor/ community support, your experience at 7 cups improves further. Good wishes always. ❤

As for me, I enjoy being here, supporting and encouraging anyone coming across in whichever capacity possible. It's truly gratifying to be here, yasss!

amazingWillow7529 OP November 23rd, 2022

Thanks @Sunisshiningandsoareyou , yes I hadn’t thought of it becoming too much so that is a good insight to take on board. Really appreciate your message. There is a lot to learn about myself as well as assisting others 💛🌼

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 23rd, 2022

@amazingWillow7529 Yay! Happy learning and growing! We are here with you! 💛

hardworkingKite6195 November 23rd, 2022


I feel the same :)

Welcome onboard!

amazingWillow7529 OP November 23rd, 2022

Lovely to meet you @hardworkingKite6195 😊 🌼

hardworkingKite6195 November 23rd, 2022


Likewise Willow :)

I'll see you around...

Supergirl134679 November 23rd, 2022


You are so right willow, I have been a member for about two years and love it. I am now a room supporter and training for community leader. There are so many positive thing like getting help and supporting and giving help!!

amazingWillow7529 OP November 23rd, 2022

That’s amazing to hear that it’s had a positive impact on you for two years @Supergirl134679 ! Lovely to meet you 😊🌼