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I hate me

stezy October 10th, 2022

im a total mess. i feel so alone. i dont have a single person to talk to

yourbuddy30 October 10th, 2022

@stezy I am so sorry you feel that way. Please feel free to reach out to a 1-1 listener to help you out

L1ly0ftheValley October 10th, 2022

If you're feeling lonely please feel free to reach out to me or any other listener here.

GoldenNest2727 October 11th, 2022


Hello, Stezy! I'm glad you found us and decided to join. You can make friends in the chatroom and on the forum. Join in, and you'll feel less lonely before you know it.

ImpudentIncognito October 11th, 2022

Hi @stezy, I'm sorry to hear you are going through this and feeling alone. If you don't mind me asking....did something happen recently or is it ongoing issue? Would you like to talk about it here[whether vaguely or in detail --- whichever you are comfortable with]? If not, that is OK!

This might sound counter-intuitive but USE that hate.

I used to hate myself SO MUCH that I used that as motivation to become someone I liked or loved better.

What are things that you hate about yourself?

②What are some things you can do to stop hating yourself?

For example, I HATE my skinny body. I HATE how unhealthy I eat. I HATE that I talk too much sometimes and interrupt others.

But for the skinny body and unhealthy eating, I can turn that around by working out and eating better. For the talking, I can learn to stfu and listen better.

If it's something physical you hate... Like things you can't control [ex. Eye shape, skin colour, sound of voice, etc], find people with the same features who are admired. It helps you see it's not so bad after all, and other people accept it, so should you.

As for the feeling alone part... I feel you on that. I like being alone, but I don't like feeling lonely...sometimes I feel lonely, even though I'm in a crowd of people. I've vowed to try and become more social and meet others. I've become friends recently with a coworker who I have a lot in common with. I am a bit scared of making friends due to having toxic friendships in the past, but I'm going to work hard and try to have a social circle again for my mental health's sake.

I'm learning how to set healthy boundaries again. I left an abusive relationship 9 months ago with my (former alcoholic) ex/son's father, whom I was in a relationship with for 3 years. Before then, for the first 18yrs of my life, i left my abusive parents/dysfunctional family back at my home town. They're many kilometers away. That's why it's taking me some time on setting healthy boundaries. I'm learning.

Anyhow, good luck my friend! Please take care and don't be too hard on yourself. Imagine you are talking to a good friend -- talk to yourself the same way you would a friend. If you need to let those negative emotions out though, however, let it flow. Don't bottle it up. Journal it down, maybe go out for a walk with music on, exercise, do hobbies, etc..anything to help you go through the negative feelings.

Helper127 October 11th, 2022

@stezy sending you a lot of support <3 I currently do not have a lot of free time as a listener, but you are welcome to send me a message if you want to vent, and I will reply when I am able. Also, the sharing circle can be a good place to share and to meet kind people. I hope you feel better ❤️

OFFtoHogwarts October 11th, 2022

Exact same.

1bluewaffle October 11th, 2022

Today is one of those rough patch days for me as well. I dont have a lot of free time but if you send me a message I will get back to you. I hope you dont feel alone because I sincerely hope you feel better.

modestYard8589 October 11th, 2022


Storyfox23 October 11th, 2022

If you want one more person to chat with online please feel free to talk to any one of us.

Reach out, and the people in this community will listen!

Thinkingbird October 11th, 2022

@stezy you can talk to me

generousNest3353 October 11th, 2022

Hello, I'm here if you need someone to talk to

selfconfidentTriangle2600 October 11th, 2022

Talk to me I’m going through shit too it’s not easy

Unsocialghost223 October 11th, 2022

@stezy i am listener so please feel free to talk to me