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Hi everyone!

CeleLin June 3rd, 2023

Hi! My name is Cele. I am new hear. I was wondering if anyone had any tips to get over sociol anxiety. I can't talk to people I just met without freezing up and I really dislike introductions and I have trouble making friends. I am only 14 and my only friend is my old babysitter from when I was younger. Dose anyone have any tips that might help?

7motivation June 3rd, 2023


One possibility is to attend free online meet up type site events.

Join zoom.

Then talk to people about topics you are interested in.

There are events specifically for people in your situation.

Just search meet up type sites or event brite types sites for online events.

You don't have to show your camera.
So you can talk without feeling uncomfortable about your appearance.

beck1 June 3rd, 2023


Social anxiety can be really hard! We do have awesome Listeners here that can chat to you about this. Feel free to Browse Listeners here. You will know if they are available to chat because you will see a little green dot by their profile picture! For 1-1 chats, you will see teenie listeners and something called an Adult-Teen Listener. The Adult-Teen Listeners are specially trained adult listeners that have been approved to be on the teenie side of cups - like me 😊

Then, you also have the Group Support Rooms where you can chat to other teenie members. I'm not sure if thats something you would be interested in? But maybe something to look into?

Hope you feel safe and comfortable enough to stay here and chat to Listeners and other members. Really glad you're here