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Hi. New here.

Koi2033 October 17th, 2023

Hi, Koi here.

Newbie from Singapore.

Hoping to catch a breather and seek a safe space from my unhappy marriage in real life.

Still figuring this app out.

spongbobishappy October 17th, 2023


Koi - I am inviting you to join me in the Sharing Circle chat group ! 😊

Koi2033 OP October 18th, 2023

My apologies for the delay in reply. It was night when I am. And thank you.. I am still trying to process what's going on in my marriage. Am afraid I may still not quite ready to share in the circle.

Kellyseven October 18th, 2023

Me as well!!

Tobias5 October 18th, 2023

Hi there @Koi2033! Welcome to 7 cups!

Koi2033 OP October 18th, 2023

Thanks everyone. The feeling of loneliness with no one to turn to is horrible. Hope to learn to more perspectives in 7 cups.

sydney001 October 18th, 2023



Lilsunshine27 October 18th, 2023

@Koi2033 Welcome to 7 cups and I am sorry to hear about the marriage. If you ever feel like sharing more or need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out :) 

Hope you have good time!

Koi2033 OP October 18th, 2023

Thank you again everyone.

I guess I took the first step to pen out the knots that have been strangling me.

I don't know what's next - will probably sit around a bit to read more, clear my head and figure out the next step.

Wishing your day well ahead.

FeureVox October 18th, 2023

@Koi2033 Hello Koi, Welcome to 7cups. It's great that you're reaching out for support during a challenging time.

You have used powerful and emotional words like "catch a breather," "seek a safe space," and "unhappy marriage."

I don't know what exactly is going on in your life. But one must understand that marriage in any culture or society is a "mutual agreement of respect, care, acceptance, patience, compromise, and commitment." between both spouses.

A spouse has to play multiple roles with multiple personality traits. For instance, they keep work and family life in two isolated jars or worlds. I am trying hard to practice it for a long time, but it is very challenging once you have kids who look up to you as their energy source, motivation, and happiness.

Many people find solace and understanding here. Remember, it's essential to communicate and seek help in real life, especially regarding your marriage. You don't have to face everything alone.

Feel free to ask if you need to talk or have questions about using this platform. 7cups has many compassionate listeners who could listen to you and may support you emotionally to better deal with the current situation. Have a great day, and live your life to the fullest.

Koi2033 OP October 18th, 2023

@feureVox Thank you. I truly appreciate your thoughtful analysis and generous sharing.

Agree with your thoughts about the multiple roles that both spouse play. At this time, the balancing is off. I'm also hoping to mend what's broken after this present upsetting period eases a little.

FeureVox October 18th, 2023

I am happy to read your response, particularly about mending your affairs. Knowing that we only have limited control over ourselves.

As I said earlier, feel free to reach out to any potential listener and see how they may assist you.

Have a great day and live every day as it won't come back.

Koi2033 OP October 19th, 2023

@FeureVox Thank you my friend. Do have a very good day and upcoming weekend ahead too.

TextingLeon October 18th, 2023

Hi there @Koi2033 ! Nice to know you! Singaporean eh? I live near! My name is Leon, and I come from Indonesia, nice to know you! Welcome to 7 Cups!

Koi2033 OP October 18th, 2023

@TextingLeon Hi Leon, nice to meet a friend closeby. Yes, I am slowly getting to meet new friends in the community. Agree with you that we have a compassionate and caring community here.

SnugglyDay5644 October 18th, 2023

Hello koi , I am also from Singapore 👋.

feel free to hit me up if you need a space to vent . Hope you find solace and comfort in 7 cups 🌸

Koi2033 OP October 19th, 2023

@SnugglyDay5644 Hi SnugglyDay, nice to meet you. And thank you, I will be sure to swim over for help when I need help. Trying my best to stay afloat and not belly up! 🐟

ambitiousCity6190 October 18th, 2023

Hi there, feel free to reach out.

Koi2033 OP October 19th, 2023

@ambitiousCity6190 Thank you, City. Nice to meet you too.

Tinywhisper11 October 20th, 2023

@Koi2033 welcome to our cups family ❤❤ I'm so sorry about your unhappy marriage 😞 bless you ❤ you know to loosen up a bit, let of some steam make new friends. The chat group rooms are as some for that. Stop by say hi ❤❤ merry pumpkin month ❤

Koi2033 OP October 20th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 Thank you, @Tinywhisper11. I will certainly have a look at them.

Its presently hot and rainy weather in Singapore where I am, which is about the same all year round.

I wonder how it is where you are (it's okay, you don't have to reveal location). Perhaps the leaves are changing their colours and the cool weather makes it a good time of the year to go hiking.

Tinywhisper11 October 21st, 2023

@Koi2033 I'm in UK and yep the weather is getting colder and very rainy ❤ but in the garden here we have fruit trees at the back and they are indeed already all kinds of pretty coulors. Hiking is a bit difficult for me 😂😂 hey maybe you could take me hiking😁 you push me up and then we can both ride back down♿♿♿ weeeeeeee!♿♿♿♿♿

Koi2033 OP October 23rd, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 My sincere apologies! I'm quite new to the community and I didn't know. What you have is much more important though, a beautiful heart and cheerful disposition towards the beauty of life and nature. 🫶

Tinywhisper11 October 23rd, 2023

@Koi2033 awww honey no! Don't apologise ❤ I joke about myself all the time😁 I make a lot of jokes, you'll get used to me ❤ ❤❤❤gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

AviHere12 October 20th, 2023


hi welcome 

Koi2033 OP October 20th, 2023

@AviHere12 Thank you for the welcome. It is nice to meet you too, Avi. 👋

Koi2033 OP October 23rd, 2023

@AviHere12 Thank you, Avi. Nice to meet you.