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Greetings everyone!

redLand7169 July 9th, 2023

Greetings everyone! My name is redLand7169, but please feel free to call me R. I am new to 7Cups, and I found it due to having issues with being sad, anxious, angry, and afraid off and on during the past several years. Glad I found it, and I look forward to getting to meet and know all of you here! ๐Ÿ˜„

YourCaringConfidant July 9th, 2023

@redLand7169 Hey there! So glad you found 7cups during a time you needed it most, R. I am Desiree. As part of the Welcome Committee, I wanted to say that I am really glad you are here. I hope you find the support you may be needing and meet some amazing people. 7cups is a great platform. I hope you are enjoying it. Hope you have a great day, R.


redLand7169 OP July 11th, 2023


Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜„