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TheWanderingMind08 February 2nd

Hi there! I'm *toooot*, 25 years old from PH.

I've been suffering from physical abuse for years now and I feel stuck. There are just reasons why you cannot get out of a situation easily. I have 4 kids, two are staying with me, the other two were taken away by their dad. I work and take care of 2 kids at the same time. I feel bad for people in the same situation. Btw, I daydream a lot and it's already affecting my job. Haha! So I don't know. Cheers! 🍻

BelovedMe February 2nd

@TheWanderingMind08  Hello toooot,

I’m really sorry to hear about the challenges you’re facing. It’s incredibly brave of you to share your story and keep pushing forward despite the difficulties. Remember, it’s okay to feel stuck sometimes, but please know that there are resources and people who can help.

You’re doing an amazing job balancing work and taking care of your children. That’s a testament to your strength and resilience. It’s okay to daydream, it’s a way for our minds to escape and explore. Maybe you can channel this into something creative when you have a spare moment?

Remember, every step you take, no matter how small, is progress. You’re stronger than you think and capable of overcoming the challenges you face. Keep going, toooot. You’re doing great! 🌼

TheWanderingMind08 OP February 2nd

@BelovedMe Thank you so much. There's nothing else I can do, I don't have a nanny for my kids. I can't afford to get one now. Besides, I like staying at home with them and just watch movies. That's what makes me happy right now. I guess Maybe I just really have a bad partner, he's dragging us down.

TheWanderingMind08 OP February 2nd

@lightLime4719 There's a lot more on the way. The good and the bad. Don't give up, always remember that good outweighs the bad. I hope you feel better soon :)


your body does that to sometimes avoid any further trauma. Like a dragged on “freeze” response. You don’t this. I believe you are capable to get you and your kids out of this situation. Never stop fighting. Again, I believe in you. I don’t know how you’ll get there, but I sure hope you will.

ScotHypnotist February 2nd

2 February 2024

Please contact me.

If nothing else, I'm a great listener.



charmingJet93 February 2nd

@TheWanderingMind08 Im sry to hear about everything you going through no one should  go through that, It can be real tough and hard especially losing 2 kids to the father, if you ever need someone to talk to send me a message

littleblittle February 3rd


Hello Toooot,
My name is K. I apologize, it is hard to find the right words to express my sympathy. I am not quite sure about what to say. I watched my mother and my sisters get slapped around, stepped on, kicked, shoved onto mirrors, etc. I think the most memorable feeling I got from those experiences was bewilderment as to why any of it was happening. After all, he was our father and my mother's husband. He loved us, right? I don't know how to help you. We never received any help, even when visitors saw. All I can say is, please continue to endeavor to protect yourself and your kids. I am glad that you understand that this is not what you are destined for. I'm really sorry to hear that you and your children are going through a difficult time. It's not fair for anyone to feel like they're being trampled upon. I am sorry for everything you have lost and I hope that brighter days are around the corner.

TheWanderingMind08 OP February 3rd

@littleblittle Did your life get any better now? How's your mom now? Because I feel like this is gonna be like this forever. Right now, I don't see any bit of hope :(

Littlejoy11 February 3rd

Hello dear,

Here whole 7 cups community is with you. So please don't lose your hope. Sun will definitely shine in your dark days of life. Here are great listeners to vent out. You can connect to me also. Definitely our community is eager to help you. Take care. God bless you.

littleblittle February 3rd


As we got older, my dad couldn't be as overbearing because we started to fight back. Honestly, there was no point in the violence. We simply did not want him near us. We ended up forcing our mother to separate from him. It was hard for her to, I can't explain why, but I resented her for it in some small way. My mom is a registered nurse right now. She started as a CNA.  She has her own house, and she travels back home whenever she wants. She might be even making investments for the future there. Her life is fully in her hands now. She doesn't need my father, she never did. As for me, no, my life is still pretty S***. In the end, I developed anxiety disorders and PTSD, and my sisters did as well. Despite having a good college degree, my social anxiety rendered my degree useless. I became severely depressed after that. Getting therapeutic help and finding a part-time job at a warehouse helped me. Funny enough, my sisters are doing much better than I am. They also suffer from crippling anxiety, but they are more numb to it. I am extremely proud of one of them, who works as a registered nurse. I said my life is still bad because I am not where I want to be. I constantly feel disconnected from everyone. Like I have been abandoned by the world itself. It also hurts sometimes knowing that two years that I could have used for progress in life were spent on healing instead. Ultimately, I don't mind, I am trying my best. I intend to return to school now to pursue a nursing degree. I plan to secure a job as a CNA to start. Sometimes, we have no choice but to start at the bottom. In the end, we can only try little by little.

WellsFiction February 3rd

@TheWanderingMind08 Hello and welcome to 7 Cups. You're gonna love it :)

TheWanderingMind08 OP February 3rd

@WellsFiction thanks Maddie :)