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Be Nice! Even if You're Anonymous

Kayre13 August 12th

Be gentle, even if you're interacting anonymously. Every listener here is human too and can make mistakes in typing or understanding what you said. It’s perfectly normal to make mistakes, just like anyone else. Remember, they’re trying their best to understand and connect with you. If they get something wrong, you can gently correct them or choose to end the chat if it’s not working out.

There’s no need to be rude...

Always be kind and considerate, even when you remain anonymous.

-love kayre. 🌼



That is a great reminder for everyone coming across, Kayre. Thanks for sharing. Kindness begets kindness, and a little goes a loooong way.💛

Snor1ax August 13th

@Kayre13 Hey Kayre, thanks for the tip! We're always glad to see new listeners interacting with the community! Now, for you, are just a few tips with links that you might find helpful as a beginner:

  • Mentors can be really helpful when you're new here! They can help you find your footing and answer any listener questions that you may have.
  • Coaches can help with more specific Listener issues on a more short term basis. They can help with things like active listening skills etc.
  • Listener Learning Threads can be super helpful in learning more about specific things to do with our listener journey

If you have any other questions, please be sure to let us know.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 15th

I have to add… If someone is sounding very depressed… Please don’t encourage them in their dark thoughts. I shouldn’t even have to say this… It should just be common knowledge. I had to report someone recently, who was supporting someone’s dark thoughts. The people on 7Cups, are here for a reason… We are all struggling. Our goal here is to support and love and encourage people in a positive way. Some people are on the edge… You never know what negative comment (whether serious or in jest) will send them over the edge. Please love them, instead of encouraging those dark thoughts and feelings. One kind word might be enough to save a life. <3