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Being Fired at my First Job & University Life (Big Ball of Mess)

TheEdster69 August 26th, 2023

Hello, first time poster. I've heard about this site before, from an old therapist.

I got fired from my only job, but I decided to resign instead, when I was 18, back in 2016 (So, I'm 25 now), and it's still weighing heavily on my mind. I went through a phase of a year just being traumatized over the loss of the all my connections from work, my loss of income, and that I believed that I was a failure. I told my family about me being fired, and they weren't really supportive towards me at all. They suggested I enter university upon the persuasion that I'd receive money while in University from government for being in full-time studies. I told them i wanted to go to upgrading highschool, since my highschool marks weren't the best, and I thought I could see friends, and hopefully be in a more positive situation overall, but they insisted because "I could be ahead of my friends academically" as they put it. I agreed because I didn't want to lose money that I would receive, but wasn't totally in it, so I ended up with a horrible abysmal transcript, and I'm still here.

I didn't look for work the first year and half because of the rigors of university, and the general stress I felt regarding taking classes, and balancing the family troubles and lack of emotional support they gave me. But, I applied at some places, and didn't get any phone calls.

I kept applying at places, even while depressed and anxious, and was too anxious to sought counseling support from the university, even though I sought it previously while still in highschool. I wasn't medicated until 2020.

I never got any phone calls back and never really tried to fix it because of my dire situation until recently this year. I have been medicated, I'm going through counseling and therapy, and my family is seeking family therapy for their issues regarding it all.

Yet, I still feel traumatized by my old manager's face, personality and overall demeanor, and every time I hand a resume to a new hiring manager, or even when I get interviews (rarely) I still feel very anxious and can imagine his face upon the new hiring managers and that I believe I'll just end up being dumb, and being fired again.

I don't know how to get over this, and address this to the point where I feel positive and confident that I can impress another employer to hire me so I can make a steady income again. All my income is from disability, stocks, government payments as mentioned above, and federal payments that the government enacted to help Canadians.

I just want to be happy again, and being able to work meaningfully, and make a steady income again, but I feel unsupported at home (parents), and I just always have a tendency to negatively spiral back due to lack of stable friendships where they're supportive.

Thank you for reading.

generousBeing7908 August 28th, 2023

@TheEdster69 I’m in the same boat- I’m totally with you on this one. Hang in there! I’m on month 6 of a job search and it’s not a nice market out there, that is for sure.

I quit my first job out of college after one month. There were lots of different reasons, but I was just not suited to the position. There was lack of breaks, low pay, expected unpaid work, and constant stressful micro-decision making 24-7. I couldn’t deal with it! I would come home and just stare at a wall and cry every day.

I used to love the kind of work and looked forward to it during college, but now every time I see something or someone related to the work, I feel immense guilt. Like to the point of kickstarting the self-hatred monologue again.

What’s helped me manage this the most is working on self-esteem with a therapist. Realizing that I get stuck in loops about this topic has helped me to move on when I notice one. Like in your example, maybe a “ok I’m worrying about manager xyz again- this isn’t useful. let’s move on”. Ultimately, almost everyone has at least one awful job that they decide to quit! Everyone has a nasty retail job story to tell! So why are you getting stuck on this one job when you can keep going?

I also have started being more aware of negative self talk. My therapist told me to make a list of positive things about myself and use it as positive affirmation. Maybe you can tailor it to work specific traits? Are you a good listener, good note taker, kind with elderly clients, etc. ? This can help temper the bad thoughts.

Sending good vibes! It’s difficult to have issues surrounding work since our identities are so tied to what we do. You’re doing all the things you can to make your situation better, and I have faith that it will improve soon :)