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Movingforward37 October 29th, 2015

Hey all- I am new to 7 cups and wanted to introduce myself. I was sexually assaulted by my father for years when I was growing up. This, along with other family issues, played a major role in my depression and BPD. I have been having "attacks" where I visualize past events- usually the same one *dealing with sexual abuse when I was 5 in a bathtub) It's something that's really hard for me to talk about, so anyone willing to chat and share stories please don't be afraid to introduce yourself.

GruesomeRed October 29th, 2015

Those "attacks" are probably flashbacks. They feel nasty and you have to just remind yourself that you are safe, that you survived. When I have those I wrap a blanket around myself or go sit in a closet (that makes me feel like I was "shielded" and it also reminds me of my physical form) or hug a pillow or hold someone's hand (if they're okay with a tight grip).

The first step(to me at least) is to acknowledge that it happened and then calm yourself down so that with time you can start approaching it objectively and understand how it has affected you.

Movingforward37 OP October 30th, 2015


Thanks for your advice, it's extremely helpful. I've tried talking about them a little bit with my therapist but sometimes talking out loud about them is really hard for me. Re-living the past is the worst thing, My boyfriend always sits by me but I'm afraid to touch him, I've gone into a fit before while having them and I don't want to hurt him. Has this ever happened to you, more dissociative flash backs?

Emaseraptor October 30th, 2015

I have panic attacks every once in a while and they really are scary so I know what you're going through even though mines a little different. I've always been rejected by my family because my sister is better and smarter than me at almost everything. Whenever I get panic attacks (I learned this from my boyfriend) I sit and take a deep breath. Count to ten then say this "my name is Emma. I'm 16 years old. I have depression. But it doesn't define me. I like to draw... etc" and just say things that bring me back to reality so I know I'm ok. I hope this helps even a little bit 💕

Movingforward37 OP October 30th, 2015


Thanks so much, it totally does! I ave a hard time coming out of them to say anything, I guess I still have to get to that point. Maybe having someone close to me, like my boyfriend, saying those words at first TO ME will help. Thanks so much for the advice, I really really appreciate it.