Body memories -trigger warning
I am sure this sounds crazy but I have nothing to lose. Sometimes I still feel him. I feel like a sick and disgusting person for this. I think he would be happy :***( I wish someone good and safe had been near.
Are you referring to an unconsent sexual act?
@HavenonEarth ya :(
Do you wamna share a little more? I
@HavenonEarth it's hard to talk about but I've been trying because I feel like I just can't take this to my grave. Idk why. It doesn't get easier to admit that I was sexually abused. I still feel queasy admitting that. :/
Well, don
@HavenonEarth nod. I think so too. It's hard to fsay or write the words sometimes. I just want to know what it feels like to be a safe and complete person. I get pulled back with thoughts like "nobody wants to know this." It isn't pleasant conversation. :/
No conversation about abuse or any kind of maltreatment is pleasant, really. Better to face them someday, than to avoid them constantly - thats the path to happiness.