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Will I ever feel healed?

User Profile: pvroom
pvroom June 17th, 2022

I'm in my late 30s and have experiences long term physical, emotional and psychological child abuse. Life threatening accident, parents divorce, life threatening situation with first child. Still I feel like an imposter!

I am working hard on all facets of my CPTSD but although I've come a long way, I do worry I'll never have peace. Is it too much to expect? It makes me feel so scared and sad that so many people experience so much trauma and yet society doesn't want to address it and change things. Making money is more important, at least in western societies.

I am a person of deep feeling and thinking but I'm numb from so many traumatic years. I want to feel things again but it is locked up too tight

User Profile: anxietywarrior23
anxietywarrior23 June 18th, 2022


I'm so sorry. Healing takes time. Are you working with a counselor to better help you?

User Profile: pvroom
pvroom OP June 20th, 2022

I have done for years but have had multiple unsafe therapists which has made it hard to continue. I've learnt how damaging it can be if you don't trust them, more so for cptsd. I'm tired of finding new ones so I'm doing reading and workbooks on my own for a bit

User Profile: BelieveFightHope
BelieveFightHope June 21st, 2022


I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Healing takes time and many people think healing is just like a straight line but in reality it's like a roller coaster, but one day you'll look back and see how far you have came! It takes strength to get to where you are right now, and please be proud of yourself because you all ready came a long way! Keep fighting I believe in you 🥰