One question.
If you lay down every night and play out certain traumatic scenarios in your mind every time you go to lay down or have a quiet moment, would this be considered flashbacks or what?
I very much appreciate the help. I am diagnosed with CPTSD but I never knew really what would be considered a flashback or not a flashback so much so I don't know how to label any of the moments that I go back to things.
It still all seems so real to me in those moments and I tend to get depressed or anxious / panic-y.
I would say that likely counts as a flashback, as these are traumatic memories that can come up in your head in partial or full images or have the feeling of a video recorded memory. These could vary in intensity, and flashbacks are generally accompanied by strong negative emotions and/or a feeling of numbness and disconnect.
The experience of flashbacks varies from person to person, but what you said about the mind playing out traumatic scenarios in your mind as you lay down, those are implicated to be intrusive, unwanted, unpleasant, and causing you depression and anxiety, so yes, they would be flashbacks.
I was diagnosed with PTSD with dissociative symptoms (C-PTSD) myself, and sometimes, psychiatric definitions are not very clear. My definition may be slightly off itself, so it's something you can also clarify with the psychiatrist or clinical psychologist who diagnosed you or ask a different mental health professional, like a therapist. They may have a better answer, but what you're describing is almost certainly flashbacks.
@PeacePink thank you so much! I have been diagnosed with C-PTSD for a long time but I guess I never actually really worked through any of it. I have always mainly gotten talk therapy and been prescribed meds and that was that. Mostly it was for my other issues that they focused on, I am Schizoaffective Bipolar Type as well (due to Huntington's Disease), so they have had to really watch me closely with my medication, mood swings, psychosis, paranoia, and hallucinations.. With everything else that was always going on with me, I never had the chance to fully focus on dealing with trauma.
I see a state appointed counselor basically so that has been a pain because I can't afford anything else or a therapist that can help me really work through a lot. Now that I am a Listener, I want to work through my problems more too so I can grow as I help others.
My hallucinations and psychosis has largely calmed down except for bouts of mania then depression and paranoia but a lot of the stuff I am dealing with full force right now is trauma related.
I appreciate your kindness because no one ever really explained it to me. I have had night terrors since I was 3 and moments like I was talking about above as well.
I will ask my counselor about things more next time I see her on the 25th too, I really appreciate you a lot!