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Growth Path Suggestion

DichotomousDetia December 17th, 2021

Just doing the growth path and it suggested I post in a sub community.

i have nothing worthwhile to say.

I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. I was diagnosed in 2015. I have been doing extensive research to get my hands on as much information as possible.

i've had over 17 therapists becuase theyw on't deal with my disroder, break hippa by asking inapporpriate questions touching inappropriately or sharing messages from clients with family.

I've had over 13 different medications and doctors won't lsiten to me that that's my suicide plan so they shouldn't give me any so I have to fight constantly for my own safety not to have psychiatric meds on hand. They think I can just have another person in charge of that and I can't.

I'm on disability so I can't living independently at all and my roommates keep tretraumatiming me

good times

HopieRemi December 18th, 2021

@DichotomousDetia Hi there. I am sorry to hear you go through this. It sounds super frustrating to have to deal with therapists who don't understand you and when doctors think they know you better than you know yourself. I am glad you are here and seeking support. We are here for you ! I know it is not easy at all to have to deal with what you deal with and to not have found a therapist that understands. Can you seek someone who specializes in DID?


DichotomousDetia OP December 18th, 2021

Thank you for your kind response.

I have been seeking a DID specialist since my official diagnosis in 2015. Often times they are not covered by my insurance. Or they insist on working only through the alter with the body's name and dismiss the others when we did have access to someone who had treated DID "successfully" before but was not a specialist.

HopieRemi December 18th, 2021

That’s a long time to search and come up Empty. I can understand that insurance can make it harder to land a therapist who truly understands you. It sounds frustrating to deal with a therapist that will only give attention to one part of yourself. Your alters are all a part of you and they all deserve equal attention. I’m sorry you’re not currently getting that. May I ask are you from an area in the world that’s not very understanding to mental health or is it just insurance that makes it harder to find accepting individuals ? @DichotomousDetia