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never the same

CindyIsNotOkay July 22nd, 2018

When I was 5 I face my first sexual assault from my brother, I never told anyone until my teacher asked me one day why I wasn't playing i told her, she helped to get me out of that and I was adopted into a much better family and when I was about 13 I got into a relationship that was really abusive and my bf raped me i felt like I was nothing to nobody I started self-harming and I stopped eating ii starting finding myself and came out as a lesbian after a small hook up with a friend that ended in another abusive one.... I just wanna try and be normal now...

MusicCandy July 22nd, 2018

CindyisnotOK , I can certainly understand that after all you have been through, not to be OK. Fact is, most us here at 7 cups have been through trials and trauma, and you are not alone. We are glad you are here, and I hope you have found some "feet on the ground" help near you to help with the practical ways to start fresh. As for us members and listeners, we can listen without judgement to everything you need to get off your shoulders, which I'm sure are pretty worn out right now. There are also a lot of resources, self help guides, sub groups and chats that may help- just look around and connect when you are ready. You already took a step in the right direction by sharing in this post.

I wish you well in your journey to better all around health. Normal is different for everyone, but I know what you mean by wanting to not be abused and in pain. That is possible, and I will say a prayer for you as you begin to weave a new future for yourself.

Anomalia July 24th, 2018

@CindyIsNotOkay - I'm sorry that you have faced pain from those that should have given kindness, and I know that healing from those things takes time, but being here and sharing this with us is a big first step on that path to healing. As for normal - I'm not sure I even know what that is, but I think that happy and healthy is a pretty great place to look towards and I believe you can get there!