neglected by family
As a teenager my dad got custody of me and my brother and made us lie in court against our schizophrenia mother and she was gone from us for 5 years it really hurt, and when we were with our dad he neglected me never showed love or support or interest in my life, so now as adult I feel worthless and like im not loved or important as a 24 year old adult, and now he is still mistreating me and neglecting me I thought he loved me.
I'm sorry you don't feel loved or appreciated by your father. It sounds like maybe you're saying your not worthless to anyone. Is that correct?
I'm really glad you posted what has been going on for you. It sounds like you have a very tender heart. You're not worthless - worth is inside of us.... and you having a tender heart is worth! You caring and wanting hope and love - you are very worthwhile. Your experience is valid and it's unfortunate. I hope you'll find a place here to share more.