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Need to talk about it.

Sora2289 April 1st, 2019

Friday while I was at work I saw a woman get stabbed...

No one tried to help her for what felt like way too long ...

I watched the police show up... Then the ambulance..

I watched her throwing up blood all over the sidewalk...

I watched the fire truck Show up and the fire men hose down the sidewalk.

Everyone just kept walking by as if nothing was happening.

I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop crying.

courteousLand April 1st, 2019

@Sora2289 I am so sorry you had to see that . But I am more sorry for that woman . Everyday people around us suffer and we have learnt to ignore those sufferings, be it physical or emotional. Be it outside or even within our homes. We think why get involved or what could we have done or let's just think about ourselves first. This is our first response. But unfortunately , we don't stop and think further than this first thought. Some people stop but not to help but to record it in their phones and upload it later for likes and views. This is harsh reality of today's world. We humans are losing our sensitivity day by day . A few kind words or a reassuring presence can make a big difference. But we underestimate the power of small gestures. We as humans need to stop and think what we are doing wrong. Are we going to change only when something bad happens to us? Why observing other person's pain isn't stirring us up?

That being said , you felt her pain and as a result of what you saw , experienced a trauma . I hope you recover soon and I also hope that woman is ok now. Sending positive thoughts towards both of you. 💜