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My Diary place

AmalieAnne July 19th, 2017

Not sure who will read it or if anyone wants to, so I guess it is for me. I can put things here when I need to and if you are reading this remember it is just the ramblings of me. So I will put things here and it will not get in anyone elses way.

PatienceImpatiens January 6th, 2023

Hi, Amalie, I just wanted to say how profoundly your words have affected me. You are a young person, younger even than my children in this world. I perceive that what you say captures something magical within, as much as words can ever do that. I have only read a few of your passages, but I enjoy reading your insights and way of thinking and I have put a heart on the passages that resonated with me deeply. I will try to silently support you by reading your words. Thank you for being yourself. By being fully yourself, you give the courage to others to be fully themselves as well. This is a gift. Much love, Patience

AmalieAnne OP January 18th, 2023


Hello Patience,

I was quite unsure what to say but thank you for introducing yourself and it is nice to meet you. The British half of me feels uncomfortable with compliments, so this is awkward! Not sure about how my Spanish half feels about it if I am being honest, it normally thinks a musket should be used. My brain is often silly or naughty, just to warn you although you can talk to me if you like or just read things. So, you have a rescue puppy and I love doggies, I do not have one but a big one lives next door. She is very big but also very friendly and when we came back from Europe, she jumped on me and pushed me over. Not on purpose but because we had missed each other and she is stronger than I am. She is very good to talk to and I like playing with her. It feels very strange to tell you that but at least we both love doggies 😊 Thank you again,


PatienceImpatiens January 18th, 2023

Haha about the compliments. Yes, our critical brains are wired to reject compliments especially online you never know who to trust. I’m a 61 year old mum to two grown young adults, 25 and 27. Our rescue pup is seven🐶. I just went ice skating on hockey skates for the second time in my life today and I was feeling cocky and wanted to show off a move to my husband when the ice flew up to my chest—- bammmm! Oh, now my ribs hurt breathing. Still it was fun. I don’t know why I told you that. Anyway, be well and Happy New Year!

AmalieAnne OP January 25th, 2023



I hope this does not feel too intrusive but some kind person pointed me towards your diary place on 7cups. And, for some reason Anne of Green Gables just came into my mind. She has red hair which I like but she does not for some reason. Anyway, the part of it is that she thinks a lot and I have only read the first book, the way she describes things was really interesting and always in the moment, it is that part which reminds me of you. That is a good thing, I really liked her for many reasons and I tend to think in images so her type of thinking is different (plus she had dreams of the future). I know she is not a real person but she is kind of real when you are reading her thoughts. Also, she is Canadian (or I assumed she was), so you would have liked things like swimming and skating. I hope that you have recovered from your fall while skating (I think you said that), it is never something I would do, I think finally I am good at using stairs. Although I am unable to get my swimming certificate because I do not want to put my face in the water. To me that is a little unfair since I like breathing and all. Anne of Green Gables also like nature, again that is why I think she is canadian. At the moment there is a lot of reading for me to do because of school but I will read more of your diary 😊 I am glad you had fun and also hope your rips are healed.


AmalieAnne OP January 25th, 2023

Some of that makes sense, ribs not rips. Then, some confusion at the start.. hopefully you can undersand what I wrote 😜

PatienceImpatiens January 25th, 2023

@AmalieAnne Thank you so much for reading part of my journal! I used to have a blog awhile ago, but kinda started devoting my energy to writing books once I retired. That was why your writing resonated with me so much! I like the parts of synesthesia because I'm not sure but I think to write I have to think in images and there is so much sensory detail that is loaded onto memories including all the olfactory, tactile, visual, kinesthetic, and even that seventh sense really, the sense of the mysterious and compelling when your hair on your neck prickles up and you feel like something supernatural has just happened, but as you get older, you start to just recognize it as a sort of "click" of the Universe setting itself right and you were just lucky enough to witness it.

I don't know if any of that makes any sense at all, but just putting it out there for you to read! I wish you great luck and support in your studies! When I was your age I was in college but then I graduated when I was 19 and had loads of adventures. One of my books, the one that's almost completed, is about that one year. You see, it pays to hold onto your journals. My book that's almost completed was drawn almost entirely from my journals, which were very complex and detailed.

Good luck and be well!

AmalieAnne OP February 17th, 2023


You finished your degree at 19? You are in the same group as mommy, whereas I, keep a memory box rather than write things down. I do keep letters but I like to collect something that reminds me of everywhere we go. I have stopped putting food in memory boxes though, that gets smelly fast. 😁 I hope your book goes well.

PatienceImpatiens February 19th, 2023

Hi, Amalie Anne,

I tried to reply to your last reply, but the thread jumped back, and so this is meant to be a reply, but I'm not sure it's in the right place. First off, sorry for not replying right off. Sometimes I get busy in real life stuff and don't have time, but I always "make time" as you will find. Second off, is that I appreciated your mention of "memory boxes" and I think it's so very wise of you to have come to the realization that putting delicious meals or samples of meals from your travels is leading down to a road of many mice in the house and other such consequences. Yes, isn't it tempting to place samples of all the exotic food because somehow in other lands, food just tastes "different," doesn't it. All the aura of the "place" is wrapped up in the olfactory and taste senses, I'm sure there's another word for it, but I wanted to type this out so you actually got the message in a timely way. Your "memory boxes" remind me a lot of what my husband calls "time capsules" in our house. Our "time capsules" are not always labeled, but sometimes they are: intriguing titles like "Paris" or "Ski Vacation" and I love looking at the things we cared to collect and put into them. The Paris one has maps, postcards, ticket stubs, receipts, brochures, and loads of other tiny objects, all which even "smell" of Paris. Also, I was a letter writer then, perhaps still a letter writer now, though it's mostly on the computer these days, and I wrote a letter every day we were in Paris to my parents, with details of our exploits and adventures. Later, when I was cleaning through their (many) relics, I found a bundle of all those letters, sent "par avion" to my folks. So I added those letters to the "time capsule." I like your name for them better, "memory box." Here's another way I think of memories, that sometimes the especially good ones, I try to put in my "memory box" in my brain, kind of like a "memory bank account" so I can withdraw the memory during a gloomy time. It's kind of like a safe deposit box to which only you have the key, and having those memories, the really good rich ones, tucked away in a safe place, can really make some of the difficult times more bearable. I had one other thought on the topic of memory boxes and time capsules. It was a memory I had when I was clearing through my parents' garage. It was a stressful and hectic time, and I found this box from when I was a teen. I opened it and immediately the tears came and would not stop. I was absolutely bawling looking at the items in this box: a swimsuit in which I had swum hundreds of laps to try to please my dad, a light pink nightgown with tiny flowers on the bodice that was my favorite, a striped sweater than I had to convince my mom to buy for me from the Sears Catalog we children used to drool over as children who didn't have as many "things" as we had imagination. It took me about ten minutes before the heaving sobbing was over. Something though, "clicked" and healed, something about my childhood, about the desperation and striving that was a part of my childhood, and returning to it as an adult somehow was like hugging that younger self and saying, "Here I am. I made it. I'm here."

That's all I have for you right now, Amalie Anne! Since I'm probably your mommy's age or probably very likely much older than her (given my adult children are 25 and 27, it's likely I'm at least ten years older), I'm glad we have the journals in common. Sometimes you will find in life that the people that gravitate towards each other for whatever reason isn't bound by age, perhaps because our souls are ageless. At least, I like to think so. Take care, be well, best of luck in your studies and on your life journey.

Kindly and with affection,


AmalieAnne OP March 13th, 2023


This is something... so I have mostly written a reply to you but to be honest, we do not know each other that well at the moment, so I am finding it difficult to write the reply. So I would like to suggest Parley...

So, I can say something but it is not the official or correct, I can get things wrong and that is ok. Moving what I say to the almost practice try. Of course, you could apply the same to yourself as well. I think then it will be easier for me to finish the reply and then feel more conifdent (spelling might be wrong there), therefore, less worried. Kind of address some of the the issues that Wittgenstein points out in terms of power mostlu, I have been around a lot of psychology, just picking it up being around psychologists.

If you are comfortable with that, then great 😊 I would also like the be the pirate but will all my body parts. That that part is more I think be a pirate but perhaps just work for the East Indian company or something like that (they were very not nice but it was more official).

AmalieAnne OP March 17th, 2023

Red City


Or go here: because 7cups is such a pain in the bottom! (Thank you to the witch who rotated it for me 😜)

AmalieAnne OP April 11th, 2023

Warning From History

The link to this for better quality is: because 7Cups is being silly. Using carbon paper and left over paint, I created a recreation of a poster made during The Second World War. I thought this was British but I can only find reference to it from Canada (although I have seen this poster in person and I think it was in the UK). Any who, to learn more about this post and see the actual ones that were done visit this place here: Really the message is spinach is bad for you, please do NOT eat it or bad things will happen (this is not propaganda [mostly]). 😜

AmalieAnne OP July 6th, 2023

@Avaray It is here, otherwise it gets confusing 😜

Hello Avaray,

It is good that clouds have that affect on you, it is something to connect you to the outside world. I was going to tell you about something about gestalt therapy, but I am not too sure I know it well enough. So, perhaps an example, mommy has been doing this for awhile now and then my bestest friend mommy does it (which is why I caught on to it being happening). It starts with doing some grounding, making sure that my toes are mine and I can feel them, then moving up to my feet, then legs. Perhaps its well enough known that I do not need to explain it, then the next part is talking about things that are worrying me or making me scared. Testing them out, so an example would be after summer I am staying with Mama (that maternal grandmother), so test it out. I won’t go through them all, but it is scary because I will not have mommy there. Then mommy says something like, I have stayed with Mama before although not for that long, she can come get me at any point and Mama’s job help me (including hugs and stuff) and has the instructions of how to do things with me. Then comes the question; do you (me) need to feel scared? Kind of, not really.

I perhaps did not explain that very well, but the gestalt part is making sure that I am in charge of my body, I can feel it and control it. I am looking at the negative things I am thinking about, kind of challenging them even if they are scary putting me in charge of it rather than the other way around. Perhaps you could do something like that? It is difficult if you do not have someone to understands and can help you with it. It does work though I have not had many bad dreams a lot recently. I had a funny dream where I could make people say the things I thought, so I was making them just make silly noises. I kind of had a scary dream but it became unscary, there was a ghost living in the attic but the ghost but we were able to agree not to scare each other plus we both liked yellow. Sometimes I also get taken away from that automatic thing but at least I am not having bad dreams. One thing is for sure is that you are getting through it, so maybe something like this process could help? A funny dream could also be nice to have even if things do not feel controllable the rest of the time.

To answer your question, I am staying with my grandmother (my mama) during term time, and I am excited about it because it will be new and its physics which I really want to learn more about. I am not good with change at all, so we will have to create a routine once we know what is happening. Before then I have one exam which will be easy, then going away with my God Sister for a few days, I am really going to miss her so much but we have four days of silliness, then going to stay with granny and granddad for a bit, then back here for camping and then if I do not get eaten by bears and whatnot, going to visit Mama when my brother can also come. All of that before starting university in Spain and I kind of want to know what it will feel like to go to school in the city I was born it because I never did when we lived there. Plus, Mama is going to tell me more about my grandfather (or my papa which is lovely) So very different, everything feels like it is changing but people are going to be the same including an Avaray who might start having funny dreams, who knows! Be good and keep trying to find that connection. *hugs*


Avaray August 4th, 2023


Hey kiddo xxx

Actually that makes sense... Challenging the fear, taking note of oneself, taking control instead of the other way around with it taking control of you.

Thanks Ames x

I also hate change 😣 like why do things need to change 🤷😜

This is a scary, but oh so exciting time of your life, you got this Ames, and the people you have now are still there for you.

I think your mom is going to really miss having you at home, she will probably try put on a brave face, but mom's want you to do the things like you are going to, because they want you to be happy and grow and live life, but ... They also want to protect you, and will miss having you right there, it's all part of the cycle of life, to a mom a child is always her child no matter the age.

PS love the profile picture

Avaray is back to studying also 😩😁 aaaaah (Income tax, then business law)

I'm going to post a picture of a patch of frozen grass in a farmer's field I saw this morning, they must have left the sprinkler system on and that patch got frozen and not the other part.

And also a cross that got put up the img-20230803-wa0020_1691180415.jpgother day at the orphanage where I work, it's beautiful, a symbol of God's love for us and hope

Keep me posted Ames, you are amazing and awesome never forget.

Much love and hugs



AmalieAnne OP August 18th, 2023


Hello Lady Avaray,

I did not know that you worked in an orphanage, kind of feels sad, the images in my head are old Victorian orphanages (like in Charles Dickens). Things are very different now though and you are there to make it better as well. I am pretty sure that I did not say challenge the fear, more stop and check you have two arms, two legs, a body bit and a head. 😛 It helps me when I know that I have all my body and it helps me feel grounded. Then everything does not feel so big and scary, so you can put the fears where it need to be. It works with me. As for you saying I look very grown up in my profile picture, thank you. You said that right? You did me thinks.

I start studying just physics next month on a Wednesday, so mommy is going to be with me for the first week alongside mama, the first week should be fine for everyone. The mommy will have to go back to Canada, but I will have a phone by then and be able to do video calls, so hopefully that will make everything seem better. I think having mama there means that it will be ok for me but there is no one to jump on mommy in the mornings, so she might get more sleep… Let’s see how things go. I am hoping mommy can come visit before Christmas because the last day in on 23rd December which is very close to Christmas.

I think someone did leave some pipe on, it should be easier to cut the grass, you can just snap it. Not sure if that is going to kill the grass or not. Why did you pick to study income tax and business law? They do not sound like fun subjects at all, maybe you should study physics. Later today I am off into the wilds, camping and walking, so the normal procedure applies. If I get eaten by a bear avenge my death (I should alright). The bugs normally ignore me and go for the Canadians which is nice of them. Any who, be good and hopefully your tax and law is fun’ish. I mean even chemistry you can make fireworks with (note: if you have a flame and pour ground black pepper over it, it creates sparkles! Also, about this, be careful, that was the day I set my lab coat at school on fire. I was safely put out but people were a little grumpy. This is why I should stay away from fires and chemistry. Tax and law will not get your clothes set on fire but... umm...) *hugs*


Avaray November 8th, 2023


You always get me to smile kiddo 😂

By now I presume you are into your studying physics, it does sound like much more fun then what I'm studying, I hope you have invented a flame resistant lab coat by now just incase, that must have been somewhat scary, but if you think of it in a cartoon type setting it gave me a bit of a chuckle (sorry xx) I'm glad you're ok, did you give the grumpy people a grin after 

Yes dear lass, I would sort out that bear, he would never think of trying to eat our dear Ames again even a nibble, because I would wax the critter and he would have to hide out behind trees and make leaves for clothes so he could blend in until his fur grew again 💪 no one messes with our Ames! 

I presume you survived your camping trip 🤔😜 I sound violent, too much sugar, been making cupcakes for Joshua's teachers birthday tomorrow and I had to taste of course 😉 were decorating with leaves and butterflies made out of cardboard, so I've cut out almost 500 leaves another lady did the butterflies (a mosquito is buzzing around me as I'm typing 😡) and then I cut up used plastic cooldrink bottles to make flowers and vases, we have a man coming to play the bagpipes for the happy birthday entrance, she knows we do something every year but not the "what" we're doing so it will be a nice surprise. She's a very special lady as she teaches our kids that have special needs and our kids are like her kids.

We had such bad hail here the other day it looked like snow, I was under the leaky lean-to covering up the car with blankets so if the hail came through it wouldn't damage the car, and I had to stay there holding and adjusting the blankets because the hail was so bad, I got totally drenched, and I found 1 shoe in the car (I had gone out in a hurry so was barefoot) to put in my one foot and I put my other foot in an empty bucket as another shoe and shuffled back to the house through the hail that had fallen, once the hail had stopped of course. I had very cold feet and pink almost numish toes, and looked like a drenched rat, nothing a hot shower couldn't sort out though 🤣 

I hope things are going well that side with all the changes, you must be missing mom and she you, but you got this kiddo.

Any how Ames, I need to be up in just over 5 hours to leave to go help set up for the birthday x

Love and hugs 

AmalieAnne OP November 17th, 2023


Hello Avaray,

I am a physicist in training now, going to learn how to blow stuff up and create blackholes, sadly at the moment we are just doing the classical mechanics. Like electric and magnetic forces and how to build a time machine, so you go back and kick all the naughty people. Just the basics really! How are you liking tax and business law? As for my lab coat, I thought it was meant to be flame resistant, but I guess leaning over a lit Bunsen burner will always result in the lab coat losing. I would like to say I did not panic because I did not notice it was on fire, I was just wondering what people were trying to do. I might have given it a ‘darn it’, now I am trouble! No one was harmed in any case. Your violence towards bears has been noticed and a note placed in your file. Just in case at some point a judge needs to know, I will break you out if you get sent to the stockades so no need to worry. I can use physics to create a diversion.

People say that I talk a lot when I have had too much sugar. Sorry but how big is the class in order to decorate the cupcakes with the leaves? Did I misunderstand but that is about 250 cupcakes each with two leaves on each and one butterfly, an occasional mosquito just to mix it up. If you sample, which you should, at least one in ten of the cupcakes, that is a lot of sugar. As for the bagpipes it takes a skilled player to make them sound good, but my great grandfather used to play them. Sadly, it was not something that was passed down. That is still a lot of cupcakes! As for teachers you know that I have had some amazing ones, including the mommy of my god sister who was very grumpy last week because she could not go to her play group, their heat was not working and you kind of need that in Canada this time of the year. She is very dramatic for a three and half year old but kind of funny as well, love her to bits. Did the surprise go well?

I have heard of bad weather but being out of it protecting the car with no shoes on!! And no, buckets are not shoes. I hope you managed to keep all of your toes and also I do not think you have a career as an artic explorer, they ALWAYS remember their shoes. You are heading towards the warmer months now so hopefully things like that will not happen again for awhile and the risk of losing your toes is greatly reduced. Being here is strange for such a long time but I am slowly getting used to it, still miss mommy a lot but we talk everyday and she is looking after my god sister some of the time as well so she is keep well trained 😛. I am also missing my molly doggy and playing with her. Things are going better than I thought and I like being here with mama. Any who, physics will not find out about it self. Be good *hugs*


Avaray November 29th, 2023


I'm glad you and the planet are still in one piece 😂

I'll reply in another post.

I just wanted to wish this amazing person called Amalie a happy birthday.

I hope you have had a lovely day.

What did you do (apart from catching on fire and stuff, Don't stand too close to the birthday cake if your have candles on 😜)

Love and hugs my little friend




AmalieAnne OP December 1st, 2023


Thank you *hugs* I did have a lovely day thank you and thank you for the wishes. So far of being an oldie, it makes you really tired and this is only my third day! Hope you are well 🙂

AmalieAnne OP August 18th, 2023

The Lighthouse (2023)

lighthouse-20237cups_1692372766.png A better version

After around 5 months but I was studying as well 😁

Avaray November 8th, 2023



AmalieAnne OP December 21st, 2023


AmalieAnne OP December 21st, 2023

From The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies:


The little Christmas Tree was born
And dwelt in open air;
It did not guess how bright a dress
Some day its boughs would wear;
Brown cones were all, it thought, a tall
And grown-up Fir would bear.

O little Fir! Your forest home
Is far and far away;
And here indoors these boughs of yours
With coloured balls are gay.
With candle-light, and tinsel bright,
For this is Christmas Day!

A dolly-fairy stands on top,
Till children sleep; then she
(A live one now!) from bough to bough
Goes gliding silently.
O magic sight, this joyous night!
O laden, sparkling tree!

Avaray December 25th, 2023


Happy Christmas Ames 💕


AmalieAnne OP December 29th, 2023

@Avaray  I hope you had a nice Christmas

AmalieAnne OP February 18th

@Avaray @Avaray @Avaray


Avaray February 20th


Hey there kiddo xx

Thanks so much, my little artist, I always love your drawings 💕

How are the studies going, have you blown anything up yet 🤪🤗

Hugs my friend thanks so much for my birthday art and wishes. And love the profile picture, it's beautiful and can't believe how grown up you are 

AmalieAnne OP February 21st



I hope that you had a nice Birthday 💕 and did something nice, even if you ate a lot of cake that is good 😃. The studying is difficult but slowly getting there, so much maths plus they do not let you blow anything up at all. The first year there are 'basic' experiments but I assume we get much bigger/cooler stuff next school year. I hope you are well? I am mostly very grown up now 😛 Regards, *hugs*


Yfgaex February 19th


Just to let you know that I hear you and send you a hug .

AmalieAnne OP February 21st


Thank you, that is kind of you 😄

AmalieAnne OP March 5th

Trigger warning: Abuse, sexual violence, violence.

Writing this was very difficult and took me months, it also makes me feel really vulnerable to share it, but I will, part of finding me is being honest with myself. The following words are part of that process. If you read this be warned that is might be uncomfortable for you and you should not do so unless you feel strong enough to read, these sadly true words. Thank you if you do.

Nepoleon was taller than me!
This is a strange statement, but he really was taller than me although if I stood on my toes I am almost as tall as Joan of Arc and I’m almost 2cms (rounding up of course) taller than Marie Curie. Moving on: having moved from Canada to the city of my birth for my undergraduate degree, it has been somewhat difficult with the first semester being about having certain goals. To make a friend and basically to see if I could learn here, that was the plan. I could go back after four weeks; four weeks was actually the limit to how much I agreed to. There is good news, now I’m in my second semester, so I made it!  There were other people who struggled with this move to university and happily, one of them is now my friend. She moved from a different country; having learnt Catalan she also was having a difficult time being here. It is with some relief that she is also in her second semester and that my fears, reflected in her, reminded me they were at least natural and perhaps grown up. It is also nice to have her around when I switch automatically to French. We are the linguistically confused ladies of physics! There are not that many other girls or ladies of physics around these parts but there are some and I have made more friends, although not a handsome Irish boy who likes poetry that I can kiss (I might delete that later).

In order to concentrate on my first semester Mommy and me agreed, with the exception of counselling with a new person, that I would just focus on the goals above. Moving away from the other things that made my life enjoyable, sometimes frustrating and even made me angry has meant that I have kind of missed doing things. Such things as painting, reading, playing the violin and… I thought that the list would be longer. At Christmas talking to mommy, it seems right to bring those things back, do not get me wrong, learning physics takes most of my energy and it feels like it takes most of my time just to keep up, still the other things are important to me as well. I did read a book on Egyptian Gods during the first semester; it was short and less comprehensive than other books I’ve read on the subject. It was a welcome distraction that was needed at the time. I have started violin lessons again to which I say are strictly private and I do not play for anyone but myself. I have started a painting and reading Les Misérables, which I found a quote that feels right to share. For context, I feel at home in many different places, but it felt right to at least acknowledge that I miss the places that I am not in, even if it is a little silly.

As long as you are busy bustling about in your native land, you imagine that you couldn’t care less about these streets, that these windows, these roofs, these doors, are nothing to you, that these walls are foreign to you, that these trees are any old trees, that these houses that you never enter are useless to you, that these cobblestones you are walking on are just stones. Later, when you are no longer there, you realize that those streets are dear to you, that you miss those roofs, those windows, and those doors, that those walls are necessary to you, that those trees are beloved trees, that those houses you never entered you entered every day, and that you left your blood and guts and your heart on those cobblestones.”  - Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo was talking about the way France had changed during his lifetime rather than moving to a different place in the world, however it does seem to resonate with me. I have more than one ‘native land’ and I get to go back to them, knowing when I leave this place, I will strangely miss it even more than before. Travelling back to places reduces the feeling of losing things for me and fills me with delight. I have to say living with my maternal grandmother also known as Mama for so long has been lovely and she is helping me with a great deal of things. Such as spelling in a language that I have spoken all my life just not written a lot in, it being amplified by the joys of being dyslexic and helping me with the evilness of stairs. I’m happy to report that only once have I fallen down them, only hurting my arm for a couple of weeks. She is a lot softer with me than she is with most people but that is because I am her favourite and of course, adorable. She was not warm and comforting with her own children, but she seems to have changed from being that way. She still hates fascists, as do I!

I have been perhaps too focused on not being grown up enough, which is a bit like not liking myself and having anxiety about doing things that I do not consider to be grown up enough despite those things helping me and being part of me. Without thinking, on one of Mama’s and my evening walks in which we gather vital intelligence information also known as gossip, I took Henry with me. Henry is a teddy pig not a real one, I would like a real pig, but his name would be Snuggles. I forgot to think whether it was grown up or not, it was just I wanted to hold him for some reason, so I did. Someone did make a comment and Mama quickly ensured they regretted making any comment whatsoever, they will not make that mistake again. Part of me simply does not care but another part of me really does care about being perceived as an adult. Being disabled for almost all of my life has resulted in me not being able to do certain things or needing help with them, at school I always wore a dress because if I lent over then no one would be able to tell that I was wearing a nappy. Most people knew after a while but once someone called me a baby, so I bit them. I do not get some things, and other things I will always need help with, even though I would like to be more grown up or perhaps it is time to start biting people again.

This kind of brings us to the next part and perhaps the more important piece however, you might not like it.

With the help of the lovely counsellor that I have here, we have been discussing trauma or PTSD and how it affects me. That does not just come from the abuse but also from the hospital, the physiotherapy and its impact on me now.  From being very ill when I was three years old it resolved itself to the never-ending challenge of never feeling grown up enough, the brain damage has given me gifts like synaesthesia, it also means I am shorter than I would have been and an ongoing battle to control my bladder. The shadows of this past can result in my waking up unable to breathe through sheer panic and to some degree the issues that I have with food. Some of the food issues do come from the abuse, don’t get me wrong, some of it comes through the irrational fear of things getting stuck in my throat and getting ill. Part of the problem is in my head the question ‘Is this safe to eat’, this thought spans both the illness and abuse. Swallowing was something I remember having to relearn and it does manifest itself in strange ways. This new way of understanding perhaps because my counsellor is using the gestalt method, is about finding why in this moment these things are causing distress. Being aware of them and how they fit together, for me this is a great way of understanding things even if it is somewhat terrifying. The end hope is that I can be in control, which is the same as being powerful inside myself.

On the 16th of January 2017 I told my bestest friend what was going on, she knew some time before, but she was not completely sure, not certain enough to make that claim that I was being abused. What she did made me angry at her, at Mommy and with other people as well. It was the right thing to do even though it took me a long time to understand and with this understanding, I’m grateful people allowed me to be angry with them. There is no better measure of kindness and compassion, than allowing those you love to be angry at you, I am lucky those people were part of my life. Now as an adult I am not ready to have sex all these years later, neither was I ready back then but I wish that I could have experienced sex on equal terms with a person that I love, and that love being returned alike and in kind with us both wanting to explore sex and being excited in doing so. What happened when I was younger, a child, was not sex though even now it is difficult for me to really know that. It was about lies, hiding, causing physical pain and only doing what the other wanted, it was rape in all its degrees. Not just that but rather more, it was acts of violence, threats of violence, it was the fear of the consequences if it were to be ‘found out’.  Daddy, my daddy, inflicted all of this and the degradation of our relationship and my relationships with others. He caused nightmares, anxiety and real fear even in the mundane events that I went through which most people embrace with ease. It hurt me physically, and emotionally and it bruised my soul. But that was not the worst part, the betrayal was.

The first part of this betrayal was that Daddy decided to do this to me, someone who did not understand what was even going on, he took away my voice to express my worries and concerns and my right to seek comfort. The acts that were performed not only lasted on those days but years after they took place. He also took away his right to be part of my life. While, for a long time I wanted him to be part of my life, going so far as to really miss him deeply, there might never be any form of reconciliation. Despite not feeling grown up, I have in many ways and achieved more things than I thought that I could. Look at me studying physics as an undergraduate having earned my place. New friends, new members of the family (my God Sister) and with relationships not only fixed but made better and stronger. Although I am still often filled with anxiety, it has lessened a great deal, the same thing with nightmares, and flashbacks and my confidence is growing (despite not always feeling like it has done so). If I can stand up in front of 20 people and talk, it must mean that things inside me have really changed and not only due to speech therapy but to confidence. The biggest change is I like myself more now and that should never be so understated because it is so important.  A few months ago, in my notes on this, it was written ‘I held sadness that he has missed out on so much’, it would be a lie to say I feel the same way now. While I’m still allowed to be angry, he should find himself deeply saddened he decided not to be part of my life and find despair that I will not let him be.

To the second part of his betrayal: Daddy was my full-time carer for so long and he violated Mommy’s trust, now I am starting to understand by how much. As the years have gone by, I have started to see how much and the extent of the damage. Mommy places guilt on herself, even me reasoning with her has not changed that, she feels she wants that guilt. That very thought is starting to make me cry, she is willing to hold that guilt out of love, I know it is not being held by anger. She has the right to be angry and to a degree she is for the discarded manner Daddy used me while he was meant to be my protector teacher and someone, I could explore the world with.  For me to dismiss this man, who is my father, is easy because there is so much around that it outweighs anything he could have given me even if he decided to regret it after the abuse and loss. Moving on, there are so many people that could have been listed here that he betrayed, my brother and sister, our grandparents, even those who I’ve met afterwards and helped me with those things of abuse that so often felt like in some degree, felt to still be happening. I am so grateful to have all those people, words simply cannot express my feelings. I will need them all as there are times it feels like I’m back there in the past.

I am not saying all things are fixed, come thee, all things are whole, that would be kind of silly. Things are better, sometimes they go forwards at other times they go backwards, but still they move. If I or anyone can keep moving, it must tell us that we are still fighting for ourselves, and I hope everyone has at least someone who will help them in that fight. I would write more but I think I would rather leave you with some words from ‘Veronika Decides to Die’ as a positive challenge to us both:

"Everything tells me that I am about to make a wrong decision, but making mistakes is just part of life. What does the world want of me? Does it want me to take no risks, to go back where I came from because I didn’t have the courage to say, ‘yes’ to life?"  - Paulo Coelho

It's a reminder that taking risks and embracing new experiences are essential parts of personal growth (growing up), even in our darkest times, even at our worst times. If you have never read the book, you should it is beautiful and after you do and cannot find that quote in it, try not to be mad. It is not in there rather it’s from ‘Eleven Minutes’ but read Veronika’s story instead, it is worth it. It has taken me months to write this, a lot of thought and changing my mind but here it is, the best that I can do, and I hope it explains things if only to myself.  With my love,


Post-Script: A stern look as a warning and a bite as a lesson.  

Avaray August 4th


Oh do you know how proud of you I am right now reading this!

You have climbed that mountain one step at a time, I remember even when you thought you couldn't, going through those times, and you have.

You are brave and so awesome, and have stood back up when you have felt you couldn't, and look at you now incredible young lady. If I was over there I would give you a huge hug 🤗 

Can you see it Ames.... You have done it and are doing it, 

You are an inspiration to me always.

I'm glad your gran is there for you, eish.... Sorry about the fall down the stairs 💕

And hopefully not blowing up any science labs 🤪😁

Hugs amazing Ames xx

AmalieAnne OP August 21st


Lady Avaray,

Where have you been? Thank you for being proud of me, it does not feel like I have climbed any mountain but there have been lots of people that have helped me to where I am, which I am grateful for. I would love to get a special Avaray hug just so you know! I hope that you are ok at the very the least? You have not updated me with what is going on since February, which gets me kind of worried (mommy helps move my brain away from bad things that could have happened). I did recover from the falling down the stairs, since then I have passed by first year which good marks, been wild mountain Ame (guess I have climbed at least one mountain), not been eaten by bears and tomorrow I am off once again to see granny and granddad. I also have a very beautiful God Brother now, he is very small and cute. And EISH… you set your lab coat on fire once and everyone thinks you are dangerous in a science lab!! Our professeur was there to stop everyone, not just me, from destroying the lab.  Any who, I will keep this quick but I hope things are going ok with you *hugs*


AmalieAnne OP March 17th

City after the rain


AmalieAnne OP June 7th

Dutch East India Company


These paint by numbers help keep me sane, I am almost near the end of my first year of physics 😊