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Multiple concussions and how we are dealing with are evertday

GotsNo February 17th, 2021

I i have had over 21 concussions and it has bin starting to have its affects on me.... feeling lost/ confused.

hopebeyondpain February 25th, 2021


Hey there! I'm so sorry to hear about all of your concussions ❤️ It sounds like you've really been having a hard time recovering and living normally because of them.

If you'd like some support specifically related to your concussions, you could also check out the disability support subcommunity to talk to other people who have been struggling with some of the symptoms you might be experiencing. They might be able to offer some tips to help you manage your symptoms ❤️

Remember that you're not alone, and we're always here for you if you need a listening ear. Take care, and have a nice day ❤️