I recently had an incident where I was hurt. When I told my boyfriend about it we just started fighting. He had all these reasons we shouldnt be together because my mental health is rough. He said he wanted to learn to help and didnt want to break up.
Its not the first time its happened. We just follow the same pattern. Now Im all anxious about the inevitability of us falling apart while also dealing with the aftermath of the incident.
It sucks
Thats alot to be going through, dealing with the aftermath of the incident which understandably has effected your mental health and is causing extra stress between you and your boyfriend.
It sounds like from what your saying your boyfriend wants to help but doesnt know how?
And all of this is leaving you feeling low and it sounds overwhelming dealing with all of this?
*safe hugs*
Simetimes being able to chat about some of those anxieties can really help.
Im so glad your here reaching out for support while going through such a tough time ❤
None of this is your fault and im sorry you have to deal with this.
@indigoBeing9907 thanks for your thoughtful reply.
He says he wants to help, Im not sure he will actually try to. I think we are going to break up soon cause hed rather run away than try to work it out. He doesnt understand that its a very human emotion to feel stressed and upset when someone you love is hurting or has mental health issues. Its a lot of stress.
It sounds like your very understanding in relation to what he is going through and im wondering if exploring options of ways to try and deal with some of that stress might help?
Like joining a support group, Maybe?
You both deserve support for what your going through and hopefully you can get through this together ❤