I just don't want to feel anything anymore.
Every thing hurts. All the time. It's just one bad thing after another. Even when people are trying to be helpful I'm just terrible because for some reason I don't think that they're actually trying to help. Even though I know they are, my brain convinces me otherwise. It's like I'm incapable of being happy. I'm just sad and broken all the time. And I push everyone away until they actually do hate me like my brain has convinced me they do. I just raised the dosage on my antidepressants and I feel like I've just gotten worse. I feel like nothing is ever going to fix this
It sounds like you are going through a really rough time right now!
I know how hard it can be to convince our brains that people are trying to help when our thoughts are telling us otherwise.
I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so hopeless right now, just remember that at 7 Cups, we are always here to support you! You are never alone!
One strategy I use from my eating disorder treatment is when the negative voice in your head is telling you mean lies, you can try talking back to that mean voice. Like if the voice says mean things you yell back at the voice and say the opposite. Proud of you for sharing your feelings and proud of you for reaching out for support on here <3<3<3
Here's an example:
When my mean voice says to me no one cares, I yell back at it my family does care and tries their best to support me. Or I repeat positive affirmations throughout the day, like I am worthy of support and love! It takes a long time for the affirmations to work but sometimes small steps make big differnces after a while
@summertimeSamness @Rhaena
That is some really good advice. There is so much power in your tongue. And hearing makes believing. So if you speak (out loud) positive to yourself you will start to believe it.
You are so worthy Rhaena and we are proud of you!