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Grateful for my ESA

DichotomousDetia July 12th, 2022

I have an ESA cat and he's currently the only thing keeping me alive.

I have no family, I had to go no-contact because of the abuse and unwillingness to change.

I have no friends closer than 5hrs to me, I moved here for better opportunity and it /did/ help me get on section 8 so that I can finally live on my own without unreliable and triggering roommates.

I'm incredibly isolated, I haven't had a safe hug in over 6 months. My cat is the only source of oxytocin I have access to.

My friends are usually busy or unavailable because of their time-zone. So I don't have any genuine emotional support.

Even though I asked social security again and again what I should know about moving states and how might my benefits change no one told me that I was going to have to start paying insurance premiums and that I should apply to the savings program.

I finally applied after seeing that I got 340$ less out of my 861$ a month. 60-90 days for it to get fixed.

60-90 days for cash benefits assistance also.

the Affordable Connectivity Program that helps pay for internet also expired without warning.

So I suddenly had to pay very much with no warning and no prior knowledge to be able to save up accordingly.

I calld my dentist multiple times over the week to check that my new insurance had them in-network but never got a call back so I had a paratransit services ride there just to wait for 2 hours in the heat to avoid 3 teenagers who were being incredibly loud and disrespectful arguing and throwing slurs at each other that were exceptionally triggering.

And on top of it, without warning, my government free phone stopped making calls. I was able to get a call to go through to the services and they say it'll take 72 days because they're doing upgrades on the cell towers.

I can't find an appropriate doctor for a necessary appointment so I have to deal with a triggering doctor "All of our doctors are professionals" wow it's almost like professionals can be triggering, abusive, and rude anyway.

I'm only hanging on for this kitty, and I'm grateful to him.... but I find myself doing research on rehoming because without him then I can finally leave without having to worry about it.

I have no cat-sitter. And at this point the psychiatric hospital is part of my plan, you can't be discharged without being medication compliant and if I'm sent home with a prescription I'm sent home with my means and method to get out of earth.

It all sucks. And I genuinely haven't any decent emotional support. My friends care, they care very much but they can't fix the life circumstances I have to deal with. They're at a loss of words because for 5 years it's just been an unending onslaught of stress from situations entirely out of my control.

mytwistedsoul July 13th, 2022

@DichotomousDetia Animals are great aren't they? Tbh - I feel the same about the pets we have

I don't have any family either. For the same reasons. No friends either

I'm really sorry that all the resources that should have helped and given you the important information you needed failed you. That's not right. They should have been able to tell you exactly what would change

Um ok so I know we all know how we have to be careful about what we say - the censors and all but - do you mean what I think you mean? Please. I know the life situations suck but don't give up

Hug your kitty. Take comfort in in his purrs. His breathing. His soft warm fur. He need you. He would much rather be with you then a bunch of strangers - that I truly believe. Your friends would miss you

Sometimes maybe we don't need words from people - sometimes we just need to be heard. To have someone sit with us - even if it can only be virtually. I'll sit with you ok? I'll listen. I might not have the right words sometimes but I'll give what I have

I know it's not the same but I'm sending you a safe gentle hug and strength