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Empty Promises (Tw: abuse)

WendyBird14 July 10th, 2022

Reading this journal can be triggering as it might mention any kind of abuse.

Just setting up this thread so I have a place to vent/share about how I feel and what is happening in my life.

I have tried many times to journal and I never really continued it, but I feel the need to put my thoughts and experiences on paper so I'm trying again :')

Note: I'm a person with DID, different parts might share their story and how they feel.

WendyBird14 OP July 11th, 2022

My birthday is tomorrow, which for normal people would be a fun day. And I wish I could just be happy and enjoy this day but I get so overwhelmed by all the negative thoughts and memories. Ive been struggling for weeks because of this upcoming day. I'm so scared and I feel so alone.

I don't know how to survive this day, last year was hard. during the day its mostly okay but when its near evening/night i get so overwhelmed and upset and triggered. And i know im probably also adding to this by worrying so much about it. I wish I could just skip this day all together.

I feel misunderstood and alone :(

(If someone is reading this.. please no birthday wishes)

WendyBird14 OP July 13th, 2022

I survived my birthday, it was such a terrible and scary day. With a lot of dissociation and flashbacks but I survived.

just now I had an appointment with my social worker who ive been seeing once a week for over a year now, I’m usually not much of a talker about what bothers me or about my past but today after a year I finally opened up.

I told her about some parts of the organized abuse I went through and it was the most scary thing to say, she was super supportive and believed me. I’m glad I managed to tell her these things (without details yet tho) but it triggered something and im in full panic mode. Hopefully will go away soon..

mytwistedsoul March 18th, 2023

@WendyBird14 Hey :) I hope you don't mind. I was cruising the site and found your thread. I hope you don't mind if I keep you company

WendyBird14 OP March 18th, 2023


Aw that's okay! I haven't used it in a while lol

mytwistedsoul March 19th, 2023

@WendyBird14 I just realized the dates lol!

mytwistedsoul April 1st, 2023

@WendyBird14 Hey you :) Hope you don't mind - I wanted to check in with you. How are you?

WendyBird14 OP April 1st, 2023


Hi.. thanks for checking in.. just woke up from a nap shivering with high heart rate :(

mytwistedsoul April 2nd, 2023

@WendyBird14 Oh no :( has it happened before? It's horrible waking up shaky with your heart racing. It can linger for hours or days sometimes. Is there anything that helps?

WendyBird14 OP April 2nd, 2023


Yeah its awful, have had it before sadly :(