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Can we defeat all our traumatic experiences at once?

intuitiveApple29 January 14th, 2015

A week ago, I was feeling really bad and I decided to write down all that had happened to me in the past, and which had, eventually, led to a point where I had lost my best friends (one of them died, and the other stopped talking to me). And, for a few days, this made me feel great, made my mind incredibly light, but.. soon afterwards, relieving all those traumatic experiences made me remember all of them, and made me feel even worse than before, because, instead of facing a single opponent, now I have to face a lot of them at the same time. What should I do?

I know, this is perhaps the point where somebody would come and tell me to get professional help, BUT the issue is that many of my traumatic experiences also come from professional help, such as Psychologists who gave me incredibly bad advice, or Psychiatrists who gave me experimental drugs who could have killed me...

Harnessyouhopes January 14th, 2015

I can relate to a lot of this. I also have made lists. Manly just because sometimes I get so many different thoughts , it's hard to keep them traitor in my head. I have also had very bad professional advice and therefor don't trust or respect the opinions of the doctors etc that I have been to see. I really don't know the answer, I just wanted to let you know that I empathise and I hope things get better.

KristenHR January 24th, 2015

In my experience, trauma takes time to process through and heal. Of course, professional help would be the easiest avenue to walk through it with, but it is up to each individual what their needs are. For you, if you're not ready to try with a professional again, do you have any ideas of what your options would be next?

If you need someone to chat with in the mean time, you can send me a chat - I'd be happy to listen and help you decide what you might want to do to work on you. I wish you success in getting through the trauma you've been through. And I'm sorry for your losses.

Take care.