Meeting my father after 30+ years
I suffer from cptsd, anxiety, depression, etc. My parents weren’t in my life. My mom was an addict and my dad was never in the picture. I spent a lot of my childhood trying to find my dad. I knew little things about him but I never had any luck. Fast forward to about 3 years ago, I actually found him thanks to the internet. Yesterday contact was finally made and now I’m avoiding him. I’ve convince myself that I was ready for disappointment but now that this is real, idk if I will make it through another disappointment. I’m just hoping someone relates so I don’t feel so alone. I’m scared of my mental health declining more, it’s pretty fragile. (Yes, I’m in therapy and meds)
The things we regret are things we did not do and avoided.
Meet him and then good or bad you will know for sure. if good you can build on it if bad you can put it behind you and no longer wonder what if.
My sister told me that when she confronted him about my existence, he asked her not to tell anyone about me. I feel like trash…
I would NOT take third party comments too hard... people say all sorts of things before the moment when things are real in the moment. There must be some reason perhaps he feels like trash for not acknowledging you to begin with and wants fewer people to know that?
We turn comments in on ourselves before seeing there can be other reasons for it.... this is for you meet and decide but it is a thing you can check off your list as DONE. I can not say it will be some movie happy ending but is will not be a what if or a could be any longer and you can find ways to move on.