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I need to be heard

forcefulHuman9484 September 12th

It's so difficult to talk to anyone. Why can't it be easier cost less and grow. I thought if I throw the trauma to the back of my head and deal I'll be fine. No I'm not fine I'm being torn apart. I'm stuck and no one is here to listen I'm crumbling falling apart until there's nothing left. I guess I'll deal until I disappear.

BlueSoul2290 September 12th

I'm so sorry you're feeling that way. I know how hard it can be and some days can be difficult and draining, but tough times don't last, but hope does.

I understand that you feel torn and broken,  I believe that many of us here  are broken in different ways,  and that shared experience is what makes us special and that's what connects us
I want to assure you that you're not alone in this.. There are people  here ready to hear you and support you. If you feel like talking, please don't hesitate to reach out anytime, that you're not alone. I'm here for you anytime.
I hope you'll start feeling better soon.🍀🙏
forcefulHuman9484 OP September 13th

Thank you so much for the encouragement I was about to delete this app I've reached out to a councilor and a listener but the councilor didn't respond I've been quietly suffering for so long I'm desperate to be heard and you beautiful person you gave me hope

BlueSoul2290 Friday


There's no need to thank me.😊 I'm glad my words gave you some hope, and I'm also happy to hear you're reaching out to a councilor I hope you'll start to feel a lot better soon and that suffering will eventually fade away.🙏

Please feel free to contact me at any time you feel like talking to someone, I may not have all the answers, but I'll be there to listen and offer whatever support I can. you are not alone.
limeMoon5298 September 12th


I feel the same way too. Everywhere I go I see a bunch of people who can't take care of themselves and have just given up on life and bum around all day looking on their phones. It's made it impossible for me to make any friends at all!

forcefulHuman9484 OP September 13th

Yes I've pushed everyone out of my life I have no one the struggle is real

@forcefulHuman9484 I pushed my trauma to the back of my mind for 30 years and it’s caused so much hurt, not just me but my spouse and kids. I never truly healed from what I went thru and it’s affecting me now. I wish I had someone to talk to. Now as an adult having to go thru all that pain again now it sucks. I’m looking for someone to talk to myself.

forcefulHuman9484 OP Saturday

That is so me everything you said word for word is how I feel as I get older and watch my son grow mentally and emotionally yes also taller then me I'm feeling more and more stuck as a child my inner self the child I separated from myself and stuffed in the back of my mind I feel you so much beloved