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What hidden talent is with in you?

WorkingitThrough2 July 7th, 2023

For those of us who struggle with Dissociation, have you discovered that any of your Insiders have Gifts and Talents that you don't?

I have an insider, or Littles, who is pretty talented in drawing and says he is non-verbal. Can you relate?

zaatarHoney July 12th, 2023


I appreciate this perspective. Commenting to boost your post. :)

WorkingitThrough2 OP July 12th, 2023


Thank you so much. I did not put tags on the post so am getting it worked on. I thank you so much😊❤️

mytwistedsoul July 13th, 2023

Hello! :) We have a teen who writes poetry and loves taking things apart. He's pretty good at building things like computers. We have an older one who is good with all things mechanical. A little who loves knock knock jokes and enjoys drawing. I, myself enjoy cooking and discovering new recipes. We do have one who is also nonverbal but he communicates with images or pictures but they usually seem to convey emotions.

WorkingitThrough2 OP July 13th, 2023


That is great that you have a variety of creative insiders. I dabble a bit with taking apart nonfunctional computers and reviving them. I'm not particularly eager to cook, but I have no problem eating what others cook or we go out to get food.😂

Thank you for your reply. Safe hugs❤️