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Words of Support

CheeryMango February 12th, 2021

Leave some words of support or encouragement for yourself or someone who has went through a traumatic experience

chicknoodlesoup February 12th, 2021

“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient”. It’s a quote by Seneca which often makes me reflect on how our trauma, although shaped differently for each one of us, might makes us feel... incomplete and unhappy. It reminds me how I, myself, am able to make myself happy and fulfilled. No need to go back where they hurt me. No need to follow the same steps. I’m doing what I’m doing despite (not “thanks to...”, DESPITE) what they did to me. And I’m enough.

RationalMe7 February 12th, 2021


" you'll be alright. nothing remains the same, for long"

SunnyLexi February 12th, 2021


nothing lasts forever

Brie0409 February 21st, 2021

It feels like that with me because I've been dealing with it for 6 years 😶

SunnyLexi February 12th, 2021


nothing lasts forever

Neuronaut February 12th, 2021

"Comparison is the thief of happiness."

For me its really easy to get wrapped up in how everyone else is doing. It's easy to compare my life and journey to theirs and get upset if I don't feel that i'm doing as "good" as they are. It's hard to avoid, especially with social media and comment sections and blogs. When I start to feel that way I try to remember that im comparing 100% of my experience with 5% of theirs, because we don't get to see 100% of what someone else is going through, failure or success. So keep your head down, keep doing your best even if you feel it isn't as good as someone else's best. As long as you do your best 100% of the time, there is nothing to feel bad for. Keep going.

cccmjc February 21st, 2021

@Neuronaut there is no reason to compare yourself to anybody else. work on being the best you, for you. feel good about you and it will show to others.

Neuronaut February 21st, 2021

Thank you for the kind words 😊. Its a slippery slope and a Full time job keeping away from it. But as long as we try to be better than the person we were yesterday I think we can be a force to be reckoned with. Keep spreading the love @cccmjc and be kind to yourself 😀

cccmjc February 21st, 2021

@Neuronaut you are so positive!! thank you

calmWishes2119 February 12th, 2021

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you think, and more loved than you will ever know”

Izzy274 February 12th, 2021

" do what you have to do, until you can do what you want to do"

EmandAsh February 12th, 2021


reason: a quote from like I don't know where I got it from but I know it's been my brain for a long time but here's for someone who's been going through something very hard I want to give up on life.

""God put you on here for a reason so don't go giving up on life""

frostyHug62 February 12th, 2021

You are so much stronger than your experiences. You are more. Your value is not dependent on them.

varishaistic February 12th, 2021

There's always a happy ending but if it's not happy then it is not a ending.

ItssssMJ February 12th, 2021


It's ok not to be ok. Crap happens, it causes things to change, people to change. It will be ok in the end. Stay strong. Remember you are loved by many people whether they tell you or not. You are amazing and beautiful in your own perfect ways. Don't internalize everything, don't bottle everything up, please please please don't do that. It's gonna get better so long as you accept and recieve help <3

electricbird February 12th, 2021

Allow yourself to feel all these ugly emotions and let it all out. Listen to your own thoughts and your body and whatever they have to say to you in order for you to heal. It's okay if you have to cry or ask for help, know that you're not alone and there's more people willing to help you than you could imagine. Take it one day at a time. heart

LilacKalypso9 February 12th, 2021

@CheeryMango "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end"🥰

Makayla128 February 12th, 2021

Remember to focus on things in your control and dont overthink about things not in your control the best you can.

unique73 February 13th, 2021


There's a quote I would like to mention:

“Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it and to work for it and to fight for it.”– Barack Obama

PoliteOcean February 13th, 2021

That you will get through whatever you are dealing with and going through (or have gone through). With Faith you can rise above many things.

And You are enough~

February 13th, 2021


"It's okay to take time to heal. It takes a lot of effort, support, self-encouragement, and determination to overcome these traumatic events. The hardest part is awareness and evaluation, during that period you will fall many times, you will experience multiple breakdowns but, know it is valid to breakdown during the process of healing. And it will be okay just go easy on yourself."

Daf8 February 13th, 2021

heart Thank you for the post! What happened does not define you. You need and deserve the best, which includes love and happiness. I am proud of you. You are brave, clever, beautiful, talented, hardworking, humble (in a good way), strong, astonishing and amazing. We are here for you. Your happy life is possible. You are perfect. heart

Suryansh February 13th, 2021

@CheeryMango Thank You for this post.

I will say them I truly understand how they must be feeling and is so valid to feel that way, I understand your emotions, I understand you truly. But you do not deserve this sadness. We cannot let ourselves down every time, you deserve so much more cheerfulness in your life. Things happen and will change, but how you face the challenges of life matters the most. Life is a challenging way, one has to face them to excel. I am sure you will excel and come with flying colors. I am always here for you whenever you need me just a message away, please always feel very free to come up and send me a message and I will be here for you Red heart Thank You!

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

HappyHummingbird February 13th, 2021

Its okay not to be okay, you don't need to feel sorry for expressing emotions, embrace each emotional aspect as it comes and strive through

Annethusiasm February 13th, 2021

You are braver than you think my love, You are loved for everything you are and all that you will be.
And if the world comes crashing down and falling at your feet, look beyond on what you can see.
You'll always be enough for Me.

KingSnufkin February 13th, 2021

You are doing your best right now and its the best you can do!

sunflowerStorm1021 February 16th, 2021

It was never your fault. The trauma was real and your feelings are valid. I believe you.

unique73 February 20th, 2021


Hang in there!! You're gonna be okay!❤

brightsugar1923 February 21st, 2021

Pain is the greatest painter - and here I am painting in all new strokes without a brush and all I know is everyday is a new day to Begin again.🙏

pluckyMoon0531 February 21st, 2021

Such a great out look! Try to look at pain as just another painter, rather than the greatest painter. 🙂

Onlyonefollower February 21st, 2021

“Hardships usually prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. When you feel like you’re alone listen to the sound of your heartbeat. The friend who has been with you from the very beginning. Hold yourself in compassion and let your beating heart comfort you.”

zoe01108 February 21st, 2021


dont beat yourself up about these things. before you know it you will be in your 90's regretting not eating that slice of cake, regretting not going out that day with your friends because you thought you didn't look attractive enough.

Amy February 21st, 2021

LindseyLobotomy February 21st, 2021

As someone that's overcoming trauma, I'd remind myself: Defy the voice that tells you it wont get better. Stive to prove that voice wrong. Because with trauma we repeat what we don't repair. You've survived the worst, trust me, you will survive the recovery.

cuteOrange213 February 21st, 2021


Your past doesn't define who you are. Sometimes it might be tough to continue pushing,but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel..

You can do it!♥️

niceGlobe6429 February 21st, 2021

Keep going, you will make it, you will be better than today!

BipolarNWonderland February 21st, 2021

It might not feel like it right now but you will get through this and this will just be a bad memory you think back on during happier times.

SirenSymphony21 February 21st, 2021


"Being in your shoes is really very painful right now. I understand. Everything will get better soon "

sia1325 February 21st, 2021


"Chin up, Nothing lasts forever! There are new chapters in your life! Everything will be alrightRed heart"

Believe In Yourself!✨

DaisyDaph February 21st, 2021

You have prevailed through the clutches of darkness and have come out, stronger than ever and braver than ever. Your eyes hold the sparks of a story that hoists you up on clouds of fire. You can breathe now, you can smile now. Not only because you have persevered, but also because you are a survivor.