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this Is What I Survived From

BrightRedFlower2322 September 10th, 2016

I will be sharing my survived domestic violence story

I met this guy when I was 18 him and I were great together happy after few months together things went a bit weird he attacked his mum and brother we had to move from his mums to his dads for 6 months and was treated like a slave a bit there then moved into a car for 2 months him and I were great when we moved into a flat in 2012 I found out I was 8 wks pregnant at 19 I was head over hills very excited him on the other hand kept saying it wasn't his and he tried to kill my unborn baby I stopped him he thrown things at me called me names push me around and against the wall and strangled me for touching his stuff found out he was cheating on me that's why he was protective of his phone when my pregnancy went along further he got more angry and violent he would beat me push me yell at me chase me out the house lock me in or out of the house wouldn't let me have friends be happy I couldn't cry laugh cough nothing I was his slave bedroom and house slave he made me change his car tyre while I was heavily pregnant I couldn't rest I was made to sleep on the floor on a old springy stains mattress while heavily pregnant I was very depressed and sad he bossed me around I had to do everything cause he thinks men sit on there back side and boss females around everything to him is women's work when I gave birth he rapped me in front of my child he pulled my hair out damaged my ribs and wrist nerve and tendons damaged I have to live with the damage for life he hurt my daughter so many times he teared the skin in my private area so I didn't heal very well after giving birth he done so much damage to me and my child I screamed every day and night wake up beaten go to bed beaten my daughter saw it all heard it all felt it all while I was pregnant with her I screamed for help so many times I got punished for that by my ex past mistake life my ex gave me bipolar depression cause of what he put me through every day I have to live with the pain I can't do much can't walk far can't sleep on my right side cause of the ribs I can't hardly do much and my ex thinks its a funny game he treats women like trash

BrightRedFlower2322 OP September 11th, 2016


Its ​​​just horrible how men treat women I know it goes both ways every time I tried to get away and get out just leave he would stop me pull my arm and block the door I tried a few times to push him off of me or out of my way he also tried to kill my bird who sadly died from a bug I couldn't do anything I wanted to do all my money had to be spent on him I had periods but I couldn't buy anything for it cause he wasted my money and thought it was a funny joke he kept his money bit wasted mine I was so down and depressed I saw a kitchen knife a few times just thinking of death and killing I thought I was going to die I was told I was very lucky cause my ex nearly killed me due to my ribs everyday I thought it was me but it wasn't it was him he blamed his mother for how he treated me I got hit and verbally abused sexually abused emotionally abused and financially my poor baby got verbally abused and emotionally abused the pain and scars will forever remain I have moved forward and accepted the fact that it happened but I will never ever ever forgive or forget that happened to me and my baby the trauma will always remain in me

rozie September 13th, 2016

Oh I'm so sorry to hear all that you have been through @BrightRedFlower2322... you didn't deserve this abuse and neither did your daughter. Glad that you were able to share your story here and i hope it helps you to write this and to know that you are heard and understood. And remember you have survived this, though naturally there are scars, and survivors have strengths which will likely carry you and your daughter into a different future. Holding onto this hope with you.

BrightRedFlower2322 OP September 13th, 2016


Thank you so much I wasn't sure if anyone would post on here I was mainly letting things out thank you for your post much appreciated :) it was a very hard tough time bit was very easy saying I'm leaving and walked out on him that was a huge weight off my shoulders and felt fantastic I prayed everyday and wished that I could take back what my daughter had to go through and what she saw and heard but I did what was best cause I knew I couldn't take it from her so I made sure she can forget and she doesn't remember my ex at all she has no clue who he is which is totally amazing my daughter and I are very happy

TealPapaya5 September 20th, 2016

I'm really sorry you've had to go through this horrible horrible abuse! It makes my blood boil to read all the things he did to you. It seems like you've managed to get rid of him already which is fantastic! I hope you and the baby are now safe and that you have all the support you need!! Are you seeing a professional about this or meeting up with other people either in real life or online to discuss all of the traumatic events? It seems like a pretty new thing so it might be a little too much to try to bring up all at once, that's why a professional would probably the best idea right now so that they will be able to guide you better through your healing procress. It all will start to make more sense later, I promise. I'm trying so hard not to give advice here but oh well, here I go again wink I really hope you've found coping mechanisms for now. Take care heart Oh and don't be afraid to call the domestic violence hotlines, they usually have a lot of experience with these things... Take care again!! heart