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I'm in trouble.

bluefox5445 September 6th, 2015

My name is Meg. In May of this year I was finally able to get away from my abusive father.

But even though I have searched for work, I still have not managed to find one willing to hire me. I don't understand why.

I'm panicking because I have blown through all my savings. I have nothing left. I'm afraid if a miracle doesn't occur soon, I will have no choice but to go back.

I don't know what to do.

twigtea September 6th, 2015

Shit. I don't know. Is there any kind of welfare available in your area? I know people talk badly about that, but it could tide you over.

Were you homeschoolers by any chance?

bluefox5445 OP September 6th, 2015

No not homeschoolers. He was just smart enough not to leave a mark on us when it could get him caught. Like during school year. Rest of time was fair game.

twigtea September 6th, 2015

That wretched. I'm so sorry.

I don't know as much about the resources for not homeschooled people.

twigtea September 6th, 2015

Are you renting or staying with someone?

bluefox5445 OP September 8th, 2015

Staying with someone. They are being understanding and helping me as much as they can but they have their own problems to deal with they can't really afford to pay for everything for me too.

twigtea September 8th, 2015

I guess that nixes couch surfing as a fallback option.

QuestOn September 6th, 2015

I say your best bet is doing something independently. So for example, if you don't mind cleaning houses you can be a house cleaner and after a while when you get more and more recognized about your good work then you'll make really good money! Just look at local average pay and start off just below average and as you work more and more you'll make more money. My mom is now a year and a half into housecleaning and she makes 15-20 dollars an hours; sometimes she'll come home with 100 dollars just after one day's worth of work. So think about self employing yourself if you can't find a job. Hope this helps!

AdVictoriam September 6th, 2015

That's really rough Meg :(

Where are you looking for work? Knowing where you are can help us give better ideas :/

You can also check out Quora where you can ask questions and there's an entire community dedicated to specifically answering questions.

Good luck! I'm sending you my love and support!! -xx