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How long is this going to take?

User Profile: road2smiles
road2smiles January 4th, 2017

I was in an emotionally abusive marriage for 12 years. The abuse started before that and there were red flags, but I was young and didn't see it as such. I moved out and divorced him 3 years ago. He raked me over the coals in the divorce and I had a shitty lawyer.

Almost 3 years later... and here I am.... having anxiety daily. Flipping out at his lies and his hateful words. I still have to deal with him as we are trying to sell out marital home and we have some debt from the marriage we are paying off together.

And he's started some old habits with me. Lying in a "funny" way and then when he says "I was just pulling your chain" I'm supposed to laugh. When I tell him it's not funny he says I never used to take life so seriously. I told him it was never funny back than and was belittling and made me feel very stupid. My son did the same thing the other day and it yanked me back to the bad-old-days and I asked him never to do that to me again. So now I have to learn to deal with these "joking lies". I can't trust a word out of his mouth and he's consistently late with his half of the debt payment. In the marriage, I beleived him when he said I was too sensitive and felt it was my fault for not finding these jokes funny. I know better now.

Does this ever end? By the end of 2017 I should really have no contact with him other than anything big with our son (he's an adult) but it's just wearing me out. I'm seeing a therapist and she's helping but this joking lie crap is coming back and I hadn't talked to her about it because he hasn't been doing that for years.

I want to go home and curl up under my bed.

User Profile: crimsonMelon8700
crimsonMelon8700 March 16th, 2017

You deserve a big hug.

User Profile: ambitiousTalker2046
ambitiousTalker2046 July 13th, 2017

I am sorry that you are going through this.