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Financial support...organizations anyone know?

lilsky000 July 16th, 2016

Are there any organizations that actually help victims get back on their feet? I've called so many and it seems like all of them are just awareness. I feel really discouraged. I'm in the USA.

Anomalia July 20th, 2016

@lilsky000 - I've done a bit of quick digging, and here are a few things I found - hope one of them helps! A lot of it seems to be state dependant, so if you would like, I can do a bit of state-specific digging, as well.

Financial advise and knowledge and potentially some grants available, as well

Info on federal benefits

If you have reported to the police, you might be eligible for Crime Victim Financial Assistance (site has a directory for by state information)

Some resources compiled by Oprah's site around both reporting/getting out and financial assistance

State by state help (for all crimes, but including domestic violence)

A site specifically about grants for domestive violence victims

The other thing potentially worth looking into are domestic violence shelters, where you may be able to stay and receive support as you get back on your feet financially.