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hey guys

azasky June 7th, 2021

So one of my friends(let's call her A) that I recently decided to cut off texted me yesterday calling me names and saying that no one really likes me. It happened a month back when A called another friend's gf a gold digger. I subtly protested but finally agreed with her as she kept giving instances about how that girl is really with our friend for money. Later that night, I told my boyfriend about this because I felt bad and guilty. And my boyfriend decided that our other friend deserves to know about it as well. but when confronted about it, my friend said that I was the one who suggested it and although I feel like I may have been wrong in entertaining A, I am very certain that I did protest when she started gossiping. Ever since high school ended, I have really tried hard to cut off these people because some of them were really mean to me and mostly because whenever I hang out with them, there's always some drama that comes. But when we came to college in the same city, my bf who I live with insisted I hang with them cause they're my "friends". But today when I said I would appreciate it if he would respect my decision to be distant and distance himself a little as well, he got really mad at me. He said that I was always A's puppet. That really hurt me and idk what to do. I have a hard time saying no to people and I always get manipulated easily. but rn im at a really dark spot because I don't have anyone to talk to and I can't stop questioning if I am the toxic person.

DoveandDiego June 13th, 2021

Saw from your other thread that your partner is now emotively distant from you, maybe this is the right time to stop associating yourself with these friends. Depending on what would make you feel better I'd say you can either use this time to put your social life on pause and work on yourself, or start making more superficial friendships, online or in person, someone new so that they don't hold the same power over your emotions as your old friends. When it comes to dealing with your old friends a personal method is to treat them like normal acquaintances, because if you treat them coldly or get angry at them you'll only show them that they still have influence over you, make it clear that you don't care for what they did but also that you don't want to associate with them on that level of friendship anymore. Hope this message helps❤️