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User Profile: UncerTom12
UncerTom12 October 5th, 2021

I’ve found recently giving more of my energy to spiritual growth has improved my mental health more than anything ever has.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

User Profile: soulsings
soulsings October 5th, 2021

@UncerTom12 I am finding that mindfulness helps me in many ways: physical, mental and spiritual. It is really a gift to us all to help us ground all the energies of the world. Here are some of the mindfulness videos we listen to

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

User Profile: 777Bre777
777Bre777 October 6th, 2021

I think a lot of us forget that humans consist of mental, physical, and spiritual needs. If we're out of balance in 1 of these then something else is bound to be off.

User Profile: Evaishere333
Evaishere333 October 6th, 2021

Meditating in the morning has made me more present thought my day, much more enjoyable.


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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings October 6th, 2021

@Evaishere333 I find morning the easiest time to meditate and before sleeping.

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User Profile: amoOna97
amoOna97 October 7th, 2021

@UncerTom12 absolutely Uncer.. I can totally relate and have been there and currently still on that path… I have never felt so much strength, hope, guidance and relief in my life mentally and emotionally since connecting with my faith more and with my Creator more and being engaged more in prayer and with people who remind me of that 🤍🙏🏼✨ I feel like you are what you feed your mind with whether it be through your vision or hearing and who you choose to surround yourself with and what environment you choose to be in and what you choose to practice all plays a big impact in your mental health and in who you are.. great point Uncer! 👏🏼