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How do I know when I no longer need therapy?

User Profile: Lovrotte1211
Lovrotte1211 April 20th, 2021

Recently, my psychologist and I had a sort of check-in to see where I’m at and whether my goals for therapy has changed. I found that I’ve achieved a lot and it was difficult for me to find areas I wanted to work on, so I’m considering stopping therapy. How do I know if I’m ready, and how do I communicate this to my psychologist?

User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie April 20th, 2021

@Lovrotte1211 Some therapists make a big thing of ending therapy, and some don't.

Therapists I know (in real life) sometimes suggest stopping therapy for a trial period, with the option of having a top-up session after three months, say. Or, if you've already agreed you have no remaining goals to work on, maybe you don't even need the next session and you can simply cancel it, never to return.

If you're unsure how to communicate it to your psychologist, that makes it sound like your relationship with your psychologist has already ended, and there's perhaps nothing to be gained from overthinking the formalities.

Click on my profile picture and message me if you'd ever like to chat about the situation.
