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How do I deal with my partner's distance?

azasky May 12th, 2021

I have been dating this guy for almost 4 years now. We started dating in high school and moved to the city together for college. It was more like he followed me to be more with me. We have been living together for almost 2 years now and we do have quarrels but nothing we couldn't resolve. But ever since we had to move back home due to corona, he has been distancing himself from me. He hasn't been replying to my texts or receiving my calls. When I asked him what's wrong, he has often said that he was busy or with his friends. we get to talk for only about two hours from living next to each other and it's weird. Yesterday he told me that he needed space and that he didn't want to talk to anyone for a few days. I don't know how to react or what to say. We have always shared everything with each other and this distance between us is making me very uncomfortable. What do I do😔

soulsings May 12th, 2021

@azasky I am not sure what you should do. Only you can make that kind of decision that affects your life so much.

But I can list some options that come to mind: start making new friends so you are not so dependent on one person who for unknown reasons is putting a wall between you. Start working on your self and doing things that you have always wanted to do that will give you inner fulfillment. Art, exercise, classes, meditation, dance are all ideas but find what fulfills you. Talk to relatives if you have good rapport with them and see if some of what you are hoping to find in him you already have in some of your kin.

The self help guides may give you ideas what to do also

azasky OP May 21st, 2021

Thank you for your suggestions. I'll try to incorporate something fulfilling in my life☺️

pinkMap4438 May 19th, 2021

Hello, Do you think you are still in a relationship? Have this happen before?

azasky OP May 21st, 2021

He hasn't done something like this before. Our relationship is very rocky atm. small matters often turn into fights. and he's not speaking to me.

matsukendg May 21st, 2021

I think that the best variant is to talk a lot and also you can try to go to psychologist

azasky OP May 26th, 2021

Yes I am trying to reach out to one currently. I don't have the capacity to afford one but I am talking to helplines. Thank you <3

soulsings May 27th, 2021

@azasky sorry you want therapy but cannot afford. Here are some free ways to get support on 7cups

If you want to try lifestyle changes in addition to seeking professional help, you might consider exercise, mindfulness, eating healthy moderate protein low carb diet, getting fresh air and either online or in real life social contatct.

There are free self help guides

You can browse for a listener. .

You may also find these helpful

Some people find that mindfulness helps them cope. The video Resource Library

Discussion for 50+ 35+ and mindfulness are here

azasky OP June 7th, 2021

thank you so much for this <3

soulsings June 7th, 2021

@azasky you are welcome