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ice braker

axile November 13th, 2022

what is something you treasure dearly

soulsings November 13th, 2022

@youace something Itreasure dearly is my own peace of mind and feeling of contentment. To preserve that, I have to avoid letting anger and pride and other destructive emotions get control of me. It takes vigilance but it is possible with that intention and practice, to get a little better at preventing emotional explosions.

What is something you treasure dearly?

axile OP November 13th, 2022


that is very lovley

something i treasure dearly is my friends and support of others

gentleBraid2726 November 13th, 2022


Omg, soul, I had exactly same words to say! β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ€ŽπŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’šβ™₯️

If we can save ourselves from these emotions, we can save anyone in the world, and most importantly our loved ones and those who have given us precious love, care and support!


axile OP November 14th, 2022


And how my fav poem says

" a hero will sacrifice you to save the world witch showes how kind hearted and true but a villain would tear the world apart for you "

corinnajoyhenryluv November 13th, 2022


and more than words

and afraid WILL burst soon if he keeps making me treasure him at such a rate

axile OP November 13th, 2022


pfft that sounds somthing i would say but because of my bf

corinnajoyhenryluv November 13th, 2022

Hahaha and completely get. πŸ™„

corinnajoyhenryluv November 13th, 2022

if this treasure posts

Devinchy November 13th, 2022

@youace my music

tealLion9329 November 13th, 2022

@youace my dog

axile OP February 25th


I agree Animals are a blessing

soulsings February 26th

@axile yes I hear you.

Do you have any pets?

axile OP February 26th


Yes lots I have 13 dogs a cat a goat and 4 chickens and 1 duck

soulsings February 26th

@axile it sounds like my daughter she has 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 parrot and 7 finches. I kiddingly tell her she has a zoo but you have really outdone her! 😊

axile OP February 26th


Yea I truley love all my animals and my dog just gave birth to puppies

pineapplepeanut November 13th, 2022


Besides my family that includes my cats, I treasure dearly friends that I can be with to have fun and get mutual support.

hardworkingBeechwood6063 November 13th, 2022

my family! even tho they mess with my mental health sometimes :)

UsefulCompassion1009 November 13th, 2022

Those who know how to love and respect me for who i am instead of wanting me to change

axile OP November 14th, 2022

i love these posts and i can realate to most of them

easyWater4109 November 14th, 2022


I treasure the relationship I have with animals…my truest friends

willingSugar9815 November 14th, 2022

I treasure a few things but one being a friend I told yesterday about my sh, they were happy, supportive, respectful and never judged me.

Abdo731 November 14th, 2022

Acceptance and faith

Fradiga November 14th, 2022

Brakes or breaks, not sure... πŸ˜ƒ

SoulPitstop November 14th, 2022

"The Moment"

The moment you realise that no one is harming anyone but that what we choose as a pathway and our reactions to the situations determine the outcome.

The moment you realise no one is forcing you, but your desires made you believe that the pain or joy comes from others.

The moment you realise that you always have the answers to your questions, but your ego and habit of running away from reality and practising selfishness make you blind to seeing the answers you already know.

The moment you take a deep breath and say, "Let's do this."

easyWater4109 November 14th, 2022


wow, yes, exactly….I need more of those moments

navyWater7580 November 14th, 2022

My family πŸ’ž

lavenderWriter469 November 15th, 2022

@youace my stuffed animals. I know it sounds silly, but they hold a really special place in my heart.

sincereDay897 November 15th, 2022

Something I treasure dearly is money and love.

markzzmq November 15th, 2022


My friends, my family and GSW

SunShineAlwaysGrateful February 27th

I treasure my family and friends the most.

axile OP February 28th


Friends and family are always great to have by yourside