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jesus88 November 23rd, 2022

TW: drugs and phobias

I hope it is okay to post this here, I'm not very familiar with the topics and threads.

I'm 17 and I struggle with nicotine addiction. It's so so difficult for me to get up in the morning and shower regularly, I feel terrible about it because people call me lazy. I don't want to accept that I'm lazy because I'm not, I have moments in my life where I don't struggle with those things as much as I do usually. I'm getting in trouble at school for always being late. I don't take good care of myself and I wanna change. I have terrible anxiety, I smoke w**d because that's the only way to make my head quiet. I have mood swings every day. Irregular periods, back problems and I feel like everything is related. I have crippling fears of my teeth falling out while eating and having a stroke. I get anxiety attacks at least twice a day because I feel like I'm having a stroke. Besides, I get dozens of anxiety attacks just for the sake of it. Every day. And it's been two years since I got diagnosed with panic disorder. I'm a singer and I have concerts every now and then which causes me to meet lots of people who always think I'm amazing and great and super nice and very unique and I never understood why. It always makes me feel good about myself for a few days until the doubt comes back and slams me to the ground. I have symptoms of depression but I don't wanna admit that I'm depressed. I have taken medication, it does not make me feel better. I'm afraid to see a psychiatrist or a therapist because I have had a bad experience with both and I've lost hope to find a proper one.

soulsings November 24th, 2022

@jesus88 I am sorry that you are struggling with addiction challenges. I am not an expert by any means, so if you feel this is disrupting your life, you may want to consider getting professional help.

THC in all its forms like MJ I has properties similar to naturally occuring elements of the brain. THC disrupts the brain. To read more look here:

The problem with any substance that produces an instant high, is it usually if not always takes one into a low period which is challenging. One of the responses is to take more of the drug in order to alleviate the low feeling. The problem is this cycle can lead to a habit or worse an addiction to the substance. If this disrupts your life, please consider getting professional help.

By the way, one of the common occurences of depression is not taking showers.