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been a while
Anxiety Support / by jesus88
Last post
May 16th, 2023
...See more hello there! I haven't been here in a while. I was hoping i wouldn't have to come here again but here i am. Im not even sure if this is the right community to write in, its just so chaotic for me. There might be some triggering things to TW. i was incredibly depressed two months ago so i was prescribed meds for schizo/bipolar and depression. The antidepressants are doing their job but i am quite paranoid and i still see things. This morning i had a panic attack, its like i was withdrawing from drugs (I've never been on drugs i just had the symptoms of it). I was shaking uncontrollably, drooling, i had tics and i was very much inadequate, heart palpitations and etc. I hadnt felt this way in a while. I am just scared that i am going insane, im afraid ill hurt myself, i feel alone and everything feels fake. I am at a dream like state 24/7. I have terrible intrusive thoughts that im so embarrassed of them i dont even wanna share them. I cant do anything.
i wanna get things off my chest
Anxiety Support / by jesus88
Last post
December 28th, 2022
...See more its currently 3:33 and i woke up like thirty minutes ago. I feel horrible, my mind is racing and i can't even let myself calm down because i don't know how. I find it so difficult typing this in, my mind is so chaotic rn i can barely focus. It's really difficult for me to talk about this to my close ones bc i am afraid of being judged and considered an attention seeker. My partner is the only one i trust and that can help me but i feel like he isn't even trying. He tells me "there's no point in getting upset" or something of the sort and so i've given up on even trying to make him understand. My best friend absolutely abandoned me for her bf (her relationship w him is rly toxic). i can't even continue writing this i am embarrassed . I feel like a coward . My mind is exploding i feel like this will never end i am constantly researching new and new conditions in attempt of self diagnosis. Last time i diagnosed myself i ended up being correct.
What made you smile today?
7 Cups Online Therapy / by jesus88
Last post
November 26th, 2022
...See more I'd love to know!
7 Cups Online Therapy / by jesus88
Last post
November 24th, 2022
...See more TW: drugs and phobias I hope it is okay to post this here, I'm not very familiar with the topics and threads. I'm 17 and I struggle with nicotine addiction. It's so so difficult for me to get up in the morning and shower regularly, I feel terrible about it because people call me lazy. I don't want to accept that I'm lazy because I'm not, I have moments in my life where I don't struggle with those things as much as I do usually. I'm getting in trouble at school for always being late. I don't take good care of myself and I wanna change. I have terrible anxiety, I smoke w**d because that's the only way to make my head quiet. I have mood swings every day. Irregular periods, back problems and I feel like everything is related. I have crippling fears of my teeth falling out while eating and having a stroke. I get anxiety attacks at least twice a day because I feel like I'm having a stroke. Besides, I get dozens of anxiety attacks just for the sake of it. Every day. And it's been two years since I got diagnosed with panic disorder. I'm a singer and I have concerts every now and then which causes me to meet lots of people who always think I'm amazing and great and super nice and very unique and I never understood why. It always makes me feel good about myself for a few days until the doubt comes back and slams me to the ground. I have symptoms of depression but I don't wanna admit that I'm depressed. I have taken medication, it does not make me feel better. I'm afraid to see a psychiatrist or a therapist because I have had a bad experience with both and I've lost hope to find a proper one.
I can't stop doubting myself and my decisions
Anxiety Support / by jesus88
Last post
December 1st, 2022
...See more I'm 17 and I am a singer. I've been working with music for a few years now and I've been making a big difference lately. I am getting the credit for my hard work however my mother thinks I'm going down a bad path because music is my main priority. I hardly ever speak to my father since he used to abuse me when I was a child but his voice just won't leave my head. Every single decision I make is based on what I think he would think. I'm working hard and I'm doing a good job, it's just so hard for me to feel good about it.
Anxiety Support / by jesus88
Last post
March 26th, 2021
...See more Hey!!! I'm the girl who posted about the insomnia a few days ago and I'm here to say that I got a total of 10 hours of sleep this night! I know it's a bit too much but keep in mind that I been sleeping for about 2 hours a night. My physical anxiety is still bad but I'm not going to give up. It's all about faith loves! You ever heard of the law of attraction? It's never too late to be better to yourself because you are your best friend. Whenever you felt alone, you were there for yourself. Whenever you didn't wanna eat it was still you who fed you. When you didn't even want to shower and take any care of yourself it was still you who did it in the end so you owe it all to yourself and the people who helped you. Now here's a question - what made you smile today or yesterday?
Sharing my experience❤️
Anxiety Support / by jesus88
Last post
March 25th, 2021
...See more Hey guys, 7 months ago I was diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder and I also developed multiple phobias. However, with patience and faith I overcame some of them and I have made progress. Something I did that I'm pretty sure would help you is get sticky notes and write positive stuff on them. Grounding techniques, your favorite quotes etc. And just put them all over your room. It has helped me so much and still does. Hope it works for you too. Remember that the best way to overcome your fear is to face it. Sending love and positive vibes❤️
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