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Feeling mixed whenever I want to stay at my school for my senior year (mostly wanna fking leave)

User Profile: Yurnuthere
Yurnuthere March 20th, 2024

On one hand I finally made some friends after my *** freshman and sophomore years, and I wouldn't want to leave them. But on the other, I'm sick of this damn school, it has done nothing but mentally drained me to the point where I just want to scream at someone. I hate all the teachers, I hate my classmates, I hate the principal, I hate everything about it. I'm gonna be in college only having *** high school memories and I seriously don't know what to do anymore....

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 March 20th, 2024


What are your options... can you finish at another school.... what if that school was same or worse?  We often think things will be better somewhere else..... it will be different that does NOT always equal better.    In the long run having anger or dislike for all around you makes you tense and expecting negative.... seems to attract just that.  

i think at the end of something like the last year of high school or about to leave a job we can only see the flaws and items we dislike... how we deal with things is far greater an influence on memories and day to day situations.    Many people do not have great memories about high school even college the idea of best time is a TV/ movie expectation that is not something you must have.