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Emotional abuse

Sathlot8 January 16th

My dad emotionally abused me from like as long as I can remember to like 13-14. I'm 15 now. He would always yell at me for even just the littlest things. It felt like he would always say no to me for a lot of things too. He technically psychically abused me because he spanked me from like a little kid until I was 9 or 10. He finally stopped a year ago (emotional abuse) but I am just so mad at him for doing it to me and my sister.

Tinywhisper11 January 16th

@Sathlot8 😞 this is very upsetting to read😥 I'm so sorry this happened to you, no form of abuse is ever right. Are you safe now??? The devastating impact of emotional abuse, is very servere. I don't blame you for being angry😥 gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ I'm glad your reaching out here for support ❤ I hope everything will work out ok for you ❤

Sathlot8 OP January 16th

Yeah my dad hasn't really emotionally abused me in like a year. I'm just trying to recover from it. Thanks for the support I really appreciate it